FYI -- Bret

DNSO Constituencies

The Board discussed the applications received to date from groups desiring
to form Constituencies of the Domain Names Supporting Organization.  After
consideration, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolutions.

RESOLVED, that the following Constituencies (as defined in Article VI-B of
the Bylaws) are provisionally recognized until the annual meeting of the
Board in 1999, to operate in accordance with the proposals received by the
Corporation and ordered attached to these minutes:

ccTLD registries
Commercial and business entities
gTLD registries
Intellectual property
ISPs and connectivity providers

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President of the Corporation is directed to work
with the Constituencies to amend their proposals to address deficiencies
noted by the Board, which amended proposals must include a commitment of
the submitting Constituency to hold a new election of Names Council
representatives promptly following the approval by the Board of such
amended proposal.  

FURTHER RESOLVED, that, when such proposals are so amended, the Board
should examine such proposals to determine whether the deficiencies have
been satisfactorily addressed and whether to extend the recognition today

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Names Council representatives chosen by the
provisionally recognized Constituencies shall constitute the provisional
Names Council, with all the powers set forth in the Bylaws other than the
selection of Directors (pursuant to Section 2(e) of Article VI-B of the
Bylaws), which selection powers will be deferred until such time as the
Board determines it has made sufficient final recognitions.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board requests that the Constituency for gTLD
registries agree, for so long as Network Solutions is the only participant
in such Constituency, to select only one individual (rather than three) to
represent that Constituency on the provisional Names Council, and the Board
states that if such Constituency does not agree to make only one such
selection, the Board will amend the Bylaws to effectuate such goal.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the phrase ìexcept with the consent of the Boardî
shall be inserted after the twenty-first word of Section 3(c) of Article
VI-B of the Bylaws.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board considers geographic diversity to be an
important requirement that should be met promptly, but consents to waiver
of the Names Council geographic diversity requirement of Article VI-B(3)(c)
of the Bylaws, for the period of provisional recognition only.

FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board determines that no proposal to create a
non-commercial domain name holders Constituency has yet been submitted that
is appropriate for recognition.

FURTHER RESOLVED, with the recognition that the interests represented by a
non-commercial domain name holders Constituency should be involved as early
as possible in the DNSO organization process, the Board urges that the
organizers of this Constituency should submit a consensus application for
provisional recognition as soon as possible, so that the issue of
recognition can be reconsidered by the Board no later than an anticipated
meeting during the week of June 21 so that representatives of this
Constituency can join the provisional Names Council.

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