At 04:44 PM 5/28/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Greg wrote:
>> Perhaps, as a compromise, the Santiago conference can run as planned,
>> but those who attend (if connectivity permits) can use their computers
>> to interact with the online community.
>First of all, I want to note that the Berkman Center may not necessarily be
>involved with the Santiago meeting.  ICANN hasn't yet asked us to provide
>technical meeting support there, and there may be scheduling issues also
>with some key staff.  That said, the issues you raise are legitimate no
>matter who is running the meeting tech, so I'll proceed with general
>thoughts re your suggestions.
>An in-room real-time chat is something we've considered in the past and have
>been hesitant about for a couple reasons.

This does everything you need. It's been used to have meetings online
of over 200 people. I"ve been trying to get people to look at it
for ages. It's just IRC on steroids, but the use of avatars simulates
a physical presence to the point where the tendancy of people to
say things in email or IRC they would never say in person is

Maybe it won't work, but we won't know till we try. I've been
using it for a while and nybody that wants to explore it should
drop me a note; we can arrange a time and date to try it out.

Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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