On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 09:08:33AM -0400, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> >
> >1) In fact, the advocacy it does is on behalf of the 6000 or so
> >INDIVIDUAL members who elect the BoT -- not the 200 or so
> >organizational members, only some of which are commercial to begin
> >with. 
> Yes, but it's the 150 or so commercial organizations (such as Sun, IBM, and
> so on) that pay $50,000 a pop that are somewhat troublesome.

A great many non-commercial organizations have corporate 
sponsorship.  Please note that NSI is an organizational member of 

> >2) ISOC has consistently argued that the top level domain space is a 
> >public trust -- not exactly a commercial point of view.
> THis has been debated to death. The public trust thing is a non-starter.
> That way there be dragons.

Immaterial.  The point is that ISOC frequently takes a 
non-commercial position. 

> >3) Using *your* argument -- even if ISOC did advocate a commercial 
> >point of view, that wouldn't mean that it was a commercial 
> >organization. 
> War is peace. Ketchup is a vegetable. ISOC is non commercial.

Nice sloganeering.

> >4) Many, many clearly non-commercial entities have commercial
> >corporate sponsors -- the Red Cross, the Sierra Club, the United Way,
> >Churches, Libraries, Museums, Symphony Orchestras, Schools -- all 
> >have commercial corporate sponsors.
> Aha. Keep chanting: IBM, DEC, SUN....

You keep chanting.  I find that it interferes with clear thinking.

Here's another tidbit that just arrived from the ISOC members list:

>HI everyone                                                      
>am new member to ISOC from Kuwait . and would like to share our experience
>with all the members over here...
>THank you for your support.
>Tariq AlAli


> --
> Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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