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>Subject: BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]:    Non-member submission from [John Charles Broomfield 
>>From manta.outremer.com!jbroom Tue Jun  1 21:28:28 1999
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>From: John Charles Broomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [IFWP] Re: [dnso.discuss] Modifications to ICIIU Guidelines a nd NCDNHC 
>Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 21:25:19 -0400 (AST)
>In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from "Michael Sondow" at Jun 1, 99 
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>Hi Michael,
>       The point is very clear. The clearest of them is actually COMTELCA
>as it draws very close similarities to what you claim discredits ISOC.
>COMTELCA is an association where ALL its members are commercial TELCOs. They
>setup COMTELCA so that they would be able to have a neutral platform to talk
>among themselves (so as to forward their private commercial interests).
>ISOC also has commercial members, but the similarity ends there. ISOC
>actually has a large amount of private individuals as members. COMTELCA
>       Iperdome has it's own private "non-commercial" front in there.
>Another one of your 100% non-commercial organizations sells books over the
>net (seems commercial to me). Another one wants hits on its electronic mag
>because each hit generates some cash through the banners, etc...
>I am NOT saying that the organizations you list are non-commercial, but
>rather that the way you try to define non-commercial is unsustainable.
>You state that ISOC is NOT non-commercial, but then you accept COMELCA as
>being non-commercial (check out the members and activities of COMELCA).
>non-commercial is a very subjective definition when applied to any
>organization, as you have already seen before. First you tried to throw out
>".com" registrations, then you tried to impose presentation of a paid
>domain name slip before accepting entry to a conference you unsuccessfully
>tried to hijack.
>For any constituency to have a defined membership, if you want to *impose*
>restrictions on it, then there have to be a series of OBJECTIVE and
>verifiable criteria that can be applied on those members. I have the feeling
>that "non-commercial domain holders constituency" is something very fuzzy
>and un-enforceable. If you can't enforce it, don't try. Instead list
>guidelines and recomendations which are up to each individual
>company/person/organization to decide whether it adheres to them or not.
>It's too big a can of worms otherwise (as you continue to prove).
>Yours, John Broomfield.
>> I don't know what your point is. All the organizations listed as
>> supporters of the ICIIU are legitimate non-commercial organizations
>> using the Internet for non-commercial reasons, as is the ICIIU
>> itself.
>> On the other hand, below is a partial list of the organizational
>> members of ISOC, taken from their website. "*" = founding member. 
>> 3Com*
>> America Online, Inc.*
>> Ameritech*
>> Compaq*
>> AT&T  Labs*
>> Cisco Systems, Inc.*
>> France Telecom*
>> GTE Corporation*
>> IBM*
>> Intel Corporation*
>> J.P. Morgan*
>> MCI Communications Corporation*
>> Microsoft*
>> Network Associates*
>> Novell, Inc.*
>> Oracle Corporation*
>> PSINet, Inc.*
>> RAND*
>> Siemens AG*
>> Sprint*
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
>> Telstra*
>> Alis Technologies, Inc.
>> ARTEL, Inc.
>> Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
>> Adobe Systems
>> Crawford Communications, Inc.
>> CyberCash, Inc.
>> Deutsche Telekom AG
>> Dun & Bradstreet
>> Ericsson
>> Federal Express
>> Fujitsu Limited
>> Tektronix, Inc.
>> Teledesic Corporation
>> Teleglobe International Corporation
>> Time Warner Telecom, Inc.
>> Geneva Financial Center
>> Hitachi, Ltd.
>> Rabobank
>> John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
>> O'Reilly and Associates
>> Korea Telecom Corp.
>> Lucent Technologies
>> NEC Corporation
>> Merita Bank Ltd.
>> Macmillan Computer Publishing
>> Hongkong Telecom
>> Infonet Services Corporation
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