At 12:56 AM 6/5/99 , Richard J. Sexton wrote:

>  The Initial Board noted that a uniform dispute settlement
>  mechanism was a necessary element of a competitive
>  registrar system. The Initial Board noted that the
>  scope of this policy should be wider than the cases
>  of abusive registration with which the WIPO report
>  deals, and ultimately cover all commercial dispute
>  issues linked to Domain Name registrations.
>That last sentence is not in the Board's resolutions. What does it mean? Does it indeed represent a Board sentiment? Was that sentiment unanimous?

The entire paragraph is primarily indicative of
their collective state of mind. 

First, it's not apparent there is any substantive
consideration of alternative perspectives.  Why is
a uniform dispute settlement mechanism a necessary
element?  It seems to me like a very unnecessary.
highly undesirable, and probably unachievable element.
It's the equivalent of saying there should be a uniform
world currency or a single world government.

Second, the last sentence suggests that these Initial
Board members have their eyes on becoming the UNCITRAL
of the Internet - do doubt paid for by the ICANN tax.


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