Bill Lovell a écrit:
> At 05:59 PM 6/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >Bill Lovell a écrit:
> >>
> >> At 04:01 PM 6/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >>
> >> And Bill Lovell is now writing: Here, here! Tony has (finally? --
> >> sorry, Tony!) said something. Expect the whole shootin' match
> >> to be taken over by the FTC.  :-)
> >
> >Would that be so terrible? They can't make much more of a hash of it
> >than the DOC.
> Concur. A few more economists, trademark and international trade experts,
> and legal beagles than the technonerds at NTIA. Their pages at
> are instructive.

I was quite favorably impressed by the FTC at the recent two-day
conference on Consumer Protection in the Global Marketplace. They
don't seem to understand much about the Internet, but they are
certainly willing to hear all sides of the story and not jump to
hasty conclusions, which puts them in a class by itself. 

Actually, I'll bet that the large international panel they got
together for the conference could put together a NewCo in a couple
of months that would get broad backing and be conducted fairly and
equitably. It was an immense pleasure, after the ICANN meetings, to
participate, even as a silent observer, in those discussions.

If it's a choice between responsible government and irresponsible
government, it doesn't take much thought to make the choice.

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