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>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:14:06 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]:    Non-member submission from [James Love 
>>From cptech.org!love Wed Jun 16 07:14:04 1999
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>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:08:49 -0400 (EDT)
>From: James Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Esther Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>        Joe Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Geraldine Capdeboscq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        George Conrades <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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>        Professor Jun Marai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        "Linda S. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Eugenio Triana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Mike Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joe Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Juliana Gruenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        John Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>        Fred Kempe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Ralph Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        John Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Center for Study of Responsive Law Mike Palmedo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Letter to Esther Dyson from Ralph Nader and James Love  regarding
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>Dear Esther,
>I am in Australia at the moment, and will be back in the office on Monday,
>and I'll call then. Thank you very much for you letter.  I can assure you
>that I am as anxious as anyone to see the Network Solutions monopoly
>ended.   Our questions or concerns go to ICANN as a institution, and I
>appreciate the opportunity to become better informed. =20
>   Jamie Love=20
>On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:
>> Ralph Nader
>> P.O. Box 19312
>> Washington, DC 20036
>> James Love
>> Consumer Project on Technology
>> P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
>> http://www.cptech.org
>> Dear Ralph and Jamie:
>> Thank you both for your letter of June 11.  The questions you ask are
>> legitimate, and we have legitimate answers to them.  What is illegitimate=
> is
>> the motivation of some of the people who keep asking the same questions
>> without paying attention to the answers.=20
>>  I hope that my answers below will respond to your concerns. Indeed, I ho=
>> that they may persuade you to join us in our fight to remove monopoly fro=
>> the business of registering domain names and help keep the Net free for
>> small businesses and individuals to use as they see fit. As a longtime
>> champion of individual rights and against monopolies, you hold common cau=
>> with us.=20
>> Accordingly, I'd like to start by setting some context before answering y=
>> specific questions.  My response is intended not as an attack against
>> anyone, but as a defense against attacks which are hindering us at ICANN
>> from doing the tasks for which we were created.=20
>> As it happens, I'll be in Washington today (Tuesday), and I'd be happy to
>> meet with either or both of you. Please let me know by e-mail or by calli=
>> my office at (212) 924-8800. You can also reach me later this afternoon a=
>> (202) 979-3863.
>> Scene-setting
>> I'd like to set the scene for the answers to your questions by noting tha=
>> ICANN is a newly minted organization with many of its organizational
>> processes still under way. It was created primarily in response to the
>> Internet's extraordinary growth, which required a transition from informa=
>> management of its technical infrastructure, to something more formal and
>> predictable, and subject to public (but not directly government) oversigh=
>> The Initial Board is following the guidelines set forth in the United Sta=
>> Government's policy paper of last June (the White Paper), as further
>> amplified by the Memorandum of Understanding/Joint Project Agreement ICAN=
>> signed with the Department of Commerce in November.  These documents
>> comprise an agenda both important and ambitious, and we are doing our bes=
>> to work our way through it with the help of public input, several formal
>> advisory  committees, and the so-called Supporting Organizations that mak=
>> up ICANN's internal structure.  We welcome your input, both now and in th=
>> future.
>> The White Paper articulates no Internet governance role for ICANN, and th=
>> Initial Board shares that (negative) view.  Therefore, ICANN does not
>> "aspire to address" any Internet governance issues; in effect, it governs
>> the plumbing, not the people. It has a very limited mandate to administer
>> certain (largely technical) aspects of the Internet infrastructure in
>> general and the Domain Name System in particular.=20
>> One important aspect of its mandate is the introduction of competition in=
>> the business of registering domain names, under an agreement with the US
>> Government. In this particular task, naturally enough, it is meeting fier=
>> resistance from the private government contractor that has been the monop=
>> provider of DNS services, Network Solutions -- a company that has
>> transformed itself from an unknown start-up at the time (1992) when it fi=
>> entered into a contract with the National Science Foundation, into a
>> subsidiary of a large privately-owned government contractor today, with a
>> market value of over $2 billion for its own publicly traded stock [NSOL].
>> Given this history, and the wealth that has been created through its
>> administration of those government contracts, NSI is in no hurry to see t=
>> monopoly eroded.  Since this very goal is a principal short-run objective=
> of
>> ICANN, NSI has apparently concluded that its interests are not consistent
>> with ICANN's success. Thus it has been funding and otherwise encouraging =
>> variety of individuals and entities to throw sand in the gears whenever
>> possible, from as many directions as possible.=20
>> Of course, "I want to protect my monopoly" is hardly an attractive slogan=
>> and so NSI uses the language of democracy instead. In addition, it
>> encourages and supports others who have a variety of reasons -- economic,
>> philosophical or political -- to be unhappy with the way the community
>> consensus has formed.  Of course, many of these people are sincere in the=
>> concerns about the transparency of ICANN's operations and their interest =
>> fostering public debate about its activities - as you are.  But ICANN's
>> goals and its actions are in fact the result of public debate and consens=
>> - though not of unanimity.
>> NSI's rhetoric is also quite inconsistent with its conduct.  The company
>> operates under the cloak of nondisclosure agreements covering not just
>> technical and commercial information, but also the experiences of the
>> ICANN-accredited registrars now attempting to open up the domain-name
>> registration business to competition.  Furthermore, Network Solutions cla=
>> "proprietary" rights in databases and techniques developed under governme=
>> contract as a reason for refusing to release information and for expensiv=
>> license fees. The nondisclosure agreements it imposes on competing
>> registrars are so onerous that many who wish to participate in ICANN's
>> competition initiative cannot do so without permanently restricting their
>> ability to compete in this space in the future. =20
>> Forgive this lengthy preamble, but I wanted you to understand the origin =
>> many of the complaints you have been hearing - basically, the effective P=
>> of a monopolist seeking to postpone the inevitable arrival of competition
>> fostered by ICANN. Since you have not been actively involved in this proj=
>> over the several years it has been underway, you may not appreciate the
>> power struggles involved=85but given your long history of fighting monopo=
>> power, I thought it was important to provide you with some background.
>> Now of course, there are many participants in this debate who are not NSI
>> agents, and who have honestly differing views about particular issues.
>> Since ICANN is a consensus, non-governmental body, we are charged to list=
>> to all such views and debate them, and eventually we reach a consensus
>> position.  As a non-elected initial board, we take this duty very serious=
>> our method is to foster and then recognize consensus rather than force it=
>> This has certainly been the case to date: Every policy developed in ICANN
>> has been the product of a comprehensive notice and comment process, and
>> every effort has been made to reflect in ICANN policies the consensus
>> position to the extent we can determine it.  Of course, consensus is not
>> unanimity, and there are people of good faith who disagree with certain
>> specific ICANN policies. We try hard to explain the reasons and trade-off=
>> for each decision. In the end, we realize we can achieve legitimacy only =
>> a substantial number of those affected agree that we are making the right
>> compromises most of the time.  (I myself do not agree with every facet of
>> every ICANN decision, which is why ICANN has a board and not just a chair=
>> With this background, let me try to respond to your specific questions.
>> IP issues
>> On the intellectual property issues, in its White Paper the Department of
>> Commerce requested the World Intellectual Property Organization to conduc=
>t a
>> study for submission to ICANN  concerning how to operate the domain name
>> system so as to minimize  conflicts with trademark laws throughout the
>> world.  These issues include the need for and scope of alternative disput=
>> resolution mechanisms that could work despite the varying legal regimes t=
>> control the use and protection of trademarks and similar intellectual
>> property on the global Internet; the desirability of special rules for
>> so-called "famous names;" and the intellectual property issues raised by =
>> possible addition of new Top-Level Domains (beyond .com, .net and .org).
>> WIPO led a 10-month study, held 15 public meetings with more than 1300
>> participants, and ultimately produced a set of recommendations that it
>> transmitted to ICANN this April. =20
>> At its meeting in Berlin in May, ICANN considered the WIPO report and
>> recommendations, and the many public comments (both online and in-person)
>> about them.  Ultimately, the Board endorsed WIPO's call for consistent
>> administrative dispute resolution procedures in principle, and referred t=
>> recommendation to its newly formed constituent unit, the Domain Name
>> Supporting Organization, for its review and specific implementation
>> recommendations.  It also referred most of the rest of the report to the
>> DNSO for further study, without endorsing a particular direction.  (And i=
>> noted that it had already implemented some administrative recommendations=
>> concerning prepayment and contact information, in its standard registrar
>> contract.)=20
>> The DNSO's input will also be fully subject to the ICANN notice and comme=
>> procedures before ICANN's next full-scale  meeting in August, where the
>> board will once again consider them in the light of public comments and l=
>> for consensus before deciding whether and how they should be implemented =
>> modified).
>> The root server system
>> On the root server system, the White Paper called for improvements in the
>> system and ICANN has formed a committee of experts to look into that comp=
>> subject.  The committee has provided reports on its work at each of the l=
>> two public meetings, and has ensured that the system does not face Y2K
>> vulnerabilities  At this moment, ICANN does not control the root servers,
>> although it expects to do so  by the end of the transition period.  In th=
>> meantime, ICANN is continuing to administer TLD assignments and related r=
>> server policies in the same manner as they were managed by Dr. Jon Postel
>> before ICANN was formed.  Any policies relating to the root servers under
>> ICANN oversight will, of course, be subject to the standard notice, comme=
>> and consensus procedures that precede any ICANN decision that could
>> significantly affect the Internet. =20
>> Review and recourse=20
>> ICANN is a private organization; its actions are fully subject to legal
>> review and oversight.  Thus, if any action is believed to impair some leg=
>> right, a complainant would have full recourse to any relevant court.  In
>> addition, ICANN has a fully developed reconsideration procedure, and is i=
>> the process of establishing an Independent Review entity to evaluate any
>> claim that ICANN has acted inconsistently with its Articles or Bylaws.
>> Financial issues=20
>> The White Paper assumed that, since the private non-profit organization i=
>> called for (now ICANN) would not be funded by governments, it would have =
>> be funded by by the beneficiaries of  its technical and policy developmen=
>> activities.  Since it is still very early in ICANN's existence, and we ha=
>> no experience to determine the level of resources necessary to carry out =
>> duties, ICANN has (again, after a full process of notice and comment)
>> established a fee not to exceed $1 annually per name registration -- whic=
>> fee would be paid by the business entities actually making the registrati=
>> (You asked by what authority we will charge the fees; we will do so in
>> accordance with a contract that we will execute with each registrar - a
>> group that we still hope will soon include NSI.)
>>  Since ICANN seeks only to recover its costs, we believe the $1 fee will =
> be
>> adjusted downward as the early organizational expenses are gradually redu=
>> and as the number of names registered increases.  In addition, if ICANN
>> succeeds in fostering competition in the registration process, it is like=
>> that the overall consumer price of registrations will come down
>> dramatically. Currently, it is set unilaterally by NSI at $70 for a two-y=
>> registration (NSI does not permit one-year registrations). A
>> competition-spurred reduction would lead to a substantial net consumer
>> benefit due to ICANN's activities. =20
>> Finally, ICANN's activities are strictly limited by its Articles and Byla=
>> and any fees it collects can be used only to offset the costs of these
>> specific activities.  Since ICANN is intended to be a 501(c)(3) tax-exemp=
>> organization, it is also limited by IRS regulations in any expenditure of
>> funds aimed at influencing legislation. If you would like additional deta=
>> on the expenses  we foresee for the fiscal year beginning July 1 (just un=
>> $6 million), you can find  a comprehensive budget document posted at our
>> Website for public viewing.
>> The role of the Initial/Interim Board
>> Finally, I would like to consider your question whether ICANN's "interim"
>> Board is making policy decisions it should not be making.  First of all, =
>> semantics:  NSI has promoted the notion that ICANN somehow has violated t=
>> White Paper by having an "initial" Board rather than an "interim" Board.
>> This argument is pointless. The White Paper calls for the consensus entit=
>> that became ICANN to "appoint, on an interim basis, an initial Board of
>> Directors (an Interim Board)"  (emphasis in original]. This "initial" Boa=
>> was to serve until it established "a system of electing a Board of
>> Directors."  Thus, the terms "initial" and "interim" were clearly synonym=
>> in the White Paper.
>> More importantly, the White Paper made it absolutely clear that the Board
>> (whatever it was called) should deal with a variety of substantive policy
>> issues in addition to establishing the procedures and structures necessar=
>> to create an elected Board going forward.  The White Paper specifically
>> called on the "initial" Board to formulate the necessary consensus polici=
>> to allow competition to be introduced as quickly as possible.  These
>> policies included "qualifications for domain name registries and domain n=
>> registrars" and "policies for the addition of TLDs."  Finally, in the Whi=
>> Paper, the United States government said it would ask WIPO to "develop a =
>> of recommendations for trademark/ domain name dispute resolutions and oth=
>> issues to be presented to the Interim Board for its consideration."
>> The current Board, which I assure you would very much like keep its tenur=
>> as short as possible consistent with doing its duty, has undertaken no
>> policy initiatives not expressly contemplated in the White Paper, or for
>> which there was not some urgency of action necessary to meet the principa=
>> objectives of the White Paper and of ICANN itself.
>> Having said all this, I would like to mention that we have made significa=
>> progress toward a fully elected Board.  The first of the three Supporting
>> Organizations responsible for electing nine of the 19 Board members is no=
>> in existence (the DNSO), and we expect it to provide its three Directors
>> soon.  The other two SO's are currently organizing themselves, and we hop=
>> that they will provide their three Directors each by early next year.
>> ICANN's Membership Advisory Committee has presented recommendations to th=
>> ICANN Board dealing with the establishment of the At Large membership tha=
>> will elect nine Directors, and the ICANN staff and counsel are currently
>> figuring out how to implement them.  This latter effort has proven
>> complicated, since it is critical that the membership and election proces=
>> that will produce fully half of the Board be fair, open, resistant to fra=
>> or capture, and as widely inclusive of the full range of users and others
>> affected by ICANN policies as possible.=20
>> Conclusion
>> Thus, we have made  much progress on many fronts, thanks largely to enorm=
>> volunteer contributions of many, many people, from Directors (who are not
>> compensated other than out-of-pocket expenses and cannot be elected to th=
>> Board for two years  following their current service) to hundreds of
>> individuals and entities that want this unique process to work. Our work
>> has, however, been made much more difficult by the direct and indirect
>> opposition of NSI, the primary entity that stands to gain from such delay=
>> I suppose this is an understandable approach for a monopolist threatened =
>> new competition, but it is still disappointing, to me and to the Internet
>> community as a whole.
>> It would have been much simpler, and a lot more pleasant, to have seen NS=
>> work with the rest of the community to make this obviously necessary
>> transition to open competition and policy-based management of the Interne=
>> vital technical infrastructure.  Still, we will persevere, and we will su=
>> I hope this is responsive to your questions.  Perhaps you could help us t=
>> generate even more momentum behind the forces of Internet competition and
>> move away from monopoly as quickly as possible. We would  greatly appreci=
>> your assistance in this effort.  If you have further questions, please ca=
>> on me, our Interim President Mike Roberts, or our Chief Counsel Joe Sims.=
> We
>> would be glad to try to answer them at your convenience and to gain your
>> understanding and support.
>> Yours truly,
>> Esther Dyson
>> Interim Chairman, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (IC=
>> On  11/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> >June 11, 1999
>> >
>> >
>> >                        Ralph Nader
>> >                        P.O. Box 19312
>> >                        Washington, DC 20036
>> >
>> >                        James Love
>> >                        Consumer Project on Technology
>> >                        P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
>> >                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >                        http://www.cptech.org
>> >
>> >
>> >Esther  Dyson
>> >Chairman
>> >Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Ms Dyson,
>> >
>> >Could you tell us the scope of internet governance issues that
>> >the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> >aspires to address?  For example, does ICANN seek to make any
>> >decisions regarding allocation of trademark rights to those who
>> >seek domain names?  And will ICANN use its control over root name
>> >servers to block access to any IP address or domain name for any
>> >reason?  If so, could you give us an idea of what those reasons
>> >might be, and how those decisions will be made, and what legal
>> >recourse persons would have regarding ICANN decisions?
>> >
>> >Also, does ICANN seek the authority to levy fees on the use of
>> >domain names?  If so, what are the legally binding limits on the
>> >use of funds from those fees by ICANN?  Under any circumstances
>> >will the ICANN be permitted to use these funds to promote public
>> >policy objectives on broader internet governance issues?
>> >
>> >Finally, is ICANN's interim board making substantive policy
>> >decisions, before a membership is in place?  If so, can you
>> >explain how this start-up procedure is justified given the terms
>> >of your agreement with the United States government?
>> >
>> >You are known for being meticulous.  We await your specific
>> >replies to these questions.
>> >
>> >Thank you.
>> >
>> >
>> >Sincerely
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Ralph Nader             James Love
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >James Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology
>> >I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED], by telephone 202.387.8030,
>> >by fax at 202.234.5176. CPT web page is http://www.cptech.org
>> >
>> Esther Dyson=09=09=09Always make new mistakes!
>> chairman, EDventure Holdings
>> interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
>> 1 (212) 924-8800
>> 1 (212) 924-0240 fax
>> 104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
>> New York, NY 10011 USA
>> http://www.edventure.com                    http://www.icann.org
>> High-Tech Forum in Europe:  24 to 26 October 1999, Budapest
>> PC Forum: March 12 to 15, 2000, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona=20
>> Book:  "Release 2.0: A design for living in the digital age"=20
>James Love=20
>Center for Study of Responsive Law | Consumer Project on Technology=20
>P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036 | http://www.cptech.org
>Voice 202/387-8030 | Fax 202/234-5176 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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