June 17, 1999

Dear Mr. Sondow:

With only a limited amount of time to devote to the issues surrounding
the Names Council formation, I am perplexed by the below IFWP posting.

As the leading proponent and, to my mind, founding spirit of the NCDNHC,
your absence from the planning and deliberations on its formation is a
serious loss.

I've supported your ongoing efforts because you are bright, articulate,
knowledgeable, and energetic. Your voice stands out in a process
dominated by "old timers" and vested interests and should be heard. And
the colossal distance your voice must travel - from the non-commercial
domain name holders through the Constituency through Names Council
through DNSO through ICANN staff to the ICANN Board - demands that it be
a strong one. And that, you surely have.

However, since Berlin, I've wondered how it is that you ended up on the
outside? Why had you allowed others to speak on your (our) behalf? I
thought that perchance it was a gracious and compromising tactical move.
And I imagined that decision, by one so viscerally involved with the
issues, to be a wrenching one. If that was the case, it now seems your
trust was misplaced.

And now that the entrusted have seemingly abandoned (scuttled?) the
effort, I think it appropriate that you step back in. No NCDNHC (nor
DNSO) activities should move forward without your full participation.

Mike, I hope that you choose to stay involved. I know it's a strain with
so many immature and divisive voices in the process. But you represent
so many other voices that need to be heard that it would be a societal
loss to step aside. Be strong and have good luck. You need it.

Also, I urge you to follow Esther Dyson's words of wisdom - applied to
this instance they would decode as "Don't ever trust a lawyer again."

And let me know how I can help.


Tom Lowenhaupt

P.S. Lawyers, I promise that during the new millennium I will refrain
>from using cheap lawyer jokes. (That's the real millennium, beginning in

MS>Milton Mueller wrote:
MS>> Michael:
MS>> I am not participating actively in the Names Council. I observed their
MS>> exclusionary teleconference--just as you tried to do.

MS>There was a rather big difference: you and the other ACM
MS>representatives were allowed to observe, but I was not. Yet I am the
MS>representative of a faction in the NCDNHC just as you are. Why was I
MS>excluded, while you were permitted to observe?

MS>> Neither I nor the ACM-IGC has any control over the fact that the small
MS>> minority of elected members that purports to "be" the Names Council is
MS>> insisting upon pushing forward with meetings and the formation of
MS>> working groups.

MS>As Internet stakeholders, you and the ACM have just as much control
MS>over this process as anyone else. Certainly you have some control
MS>over the NCDNHC and who it may send as observers to a Names Council
MS>teleconference. Did the ACM or any of its representatives protest at
MS>the exclusion of the ICIIU and its supporters from the telecon? Or
MS>did you acquiesce to our exclusion? Is the ACM colluding with ISOC
MS>to put the ICIIU and its supporters out of the NCDNHC and out of the

MS>> Given that they are pushing ahead, however, it is wise
MS>> to keep an eye on them.

MS>Where do you and the ACM draw the line between "keeping an eye on
MS>them" and collaborating in their undemocratic, exclusionary
MS>> I can assure you that I am not responsible for the fact that you were
MS>> excluded from that telecon.

MS>I did not suggest that you were. Nevertheles, you participated
MS>without, it seems, protesting in an ICANN event that was held
MS>surreptitiously, and at which persons with full justification for
MS>participating were excluded. Collaboration with wrong-doers is a
MS>form of responsibility.

MS>> I opposed the exclusion of any legitimate
MS>> observer, and I believe that the exclusion of the NSI representatives
MS>> was a violation of ICANN's by-laws.

MS>And the exclusion of the ICIIU and supporting organizations was not?

MS>> On this last point, I am speaking
MS>> only for myself--the committee has not take a position on it yet.

MS>The ICIIU and supporting organizations have a position: we were
MS>unjustly excluded from representing a constituency we helped form
MS>and which was represented by others. Do you and the ACM suppose that
MS>we will accept that with equanimity?

MS>I would like to know, from your and the ACM's point of view, what is
MS>happening with the NCDNHC formation process, that is, whether a
MS>third-party website and mailing list have been set up, whether new
MS>organizations may join the NCDNHC through it, if a compromise
MS>proposal for the constituency has been drafted and if it will be
MS>presented to the Board, what organizations are currently proposed as
MS>members of the NCDNHC, etc. Can you shed some light on these matters
MS>of concern to us?


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