David and all,

David R. Conrad? wrote:

> Hi,
> Somebody kindly(?) forwarded the following waste of electrons to me (I
> filter anything with the email address jwkckid1 directly to the trash as
> it generally is a complete waste of time so I normally don't see
> his/her/their inane dribblings).  However, to clarify:

  Dribblings, yes that is the word for any E-mail coming from
the TROLL(S) [EMAIL PROTECTED] that may or may not represent
a real person.

> Fact: BIND is the only name server software running on all 13 root
> nameservers now.

  One right.

> Fact: I think this is a bad thing.

  It is, and two right.

> Fact: I am looking forward to alternatives.

  BS, nice try.

> Opinion: The only bullshit here is that which comes out of "Jeff
> Williams" mouth(s).

  Again BS, and David know this very well.  Keep it up dave And I
shall have to post several of you private exchanges in that not to
distant past...   APNIC anyone???

> Also (should anyone care, which I'm pretty sure no one actually does):

  Well you missed yet again on this one as well...
FACT,  more than 80 other ISP's have or are running SROOTS.

> Fact: Before I grew weary of the ruse that is "Jeff Williams", I
> actually made the mistake of responding to his mail once or twice where
> the entity or entities posting as "Jeff Williams" claimed to have
> improved upon BIND (not that improving BIND is something that would be
> particularly surprising).

  Latest BIND is pretty good, and movement on BIND V9 is coming along
all be it very slow and messy code to boot.
FACT, David refused a heads up challenge of SROOTS against BIND.
If necessary David, I will post the relevant private E-Mails.  I see here
by your response that you are weaseling!  Typical, and not surprising,
considering you have some pretty good practice during the APNIC "Migration?"

> Fact: "Jeff Williams" demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of
> the issues facing the DNS.

  FACT, Dave is again being disingenuous here.  Another of his
missives that he became quite well known for in Asia, eh Dave???

> Fact: "Jeff Williams" couldn't even keep the name of his purported
> product correct.

  FACT, dave is again misstating the facts.  Once I may have mis-typed

> Fact: "Jeff Williams" _never_ substantiated his grandiose claims (big
> surprise).

  FACT, Dave never did take up the challenge I mentioned before.  This
is what he is eluding to now.  Another Weasel tactic.

> Opinion: "Jeff Williams" is/are completely and totally full of shit
> (don't have the web page handy that documents his more ludicrous claims)

  More missives....

> Regards,
> -drc
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: ICANN to take over the A server!
> Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 11:38:00 +0100
> From: Jeff Williams
> Reply-To: Jeff Williams
> Organization: INEG. Inc. (Spokesman INEGroup)
> References:
> David and all,
>   Again David is BULLSHITTING you all here.   David, you were offered
> several opportunities at other alternatives, I know I offered you one.
> You refused.  So stop BULLSHITTING folks!'
>   Do I need to post those private posts as evidence???  Hummmm???
> David R. Conrad wrote:
> > Patrick,
> >
> > > Don't be so sure that BIND is the only software out there that can handle
> > > these sorts of loads.
> >
> > You're right.  Apologies.  BIND is the only one that is running on the
> > root nameservers at this point in time.  I personally think this is a
> > bad thing (not enough genetic diversity in the ecology is dangerous) and
> > am looking forward to seeing alternatives.
> >
> > Regards,
> > -drc
> Regards,
> --
> Jeffrey A. Williams
> CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
> Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
> Contact Number:  972-447-1894
> Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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