On Fri, 2 Jul 1999 16:14:04 -0700, Dave Crocker

>At 06:04 PM 7/2/99 -0400, A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
>>You don't really think this little scam is going to fly do you?
>while it is understandable why you would choose to favor only those scams
>from which you benefit, why should they (continue to be) the only ones that

They shouldn't.  But on the same token, FLAWED and BAD policies should
not be accepted merely in the interests of getting new gTLDs as soon
as possible.  

COREs support of many of these policies is nothing more than because
they anticipate (if they don't already have a guarantee) they will get
support to get a CORE gTLD added before anyone else does.

CORE is in a hurry for this to happen.  They have quite a lot of funds
already spent, and need more.  They have little justification asking
for more funds from existing CORE members without fear of them just
saying no, or leaving CORE, which would mean they lose some of their

Hence, they need a revenue stream.  Being an annoited registrar was
nothing more than a stop gap measure to allow CORE to have a trickle
of a revenue stream until ICANN can justify the addition of a CORE
gTLD (which is conditional on controversial special interest agendas
being approved and passed first).

CORE sees the ends (their gTLDs) justifying the means (at any cost).

Anyone who opposes this agenda, is considered a fringe element, with
no participatory value at all, and should just be ignored.

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

"The fact is that domain names are new and have unique
characteristics, and their status under the law is not yet clear." 
--Kent Crispin (June 29th, 1999)

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