Raul and all,

Raul Echeberria wrote:

> Mr. Williams :
> >  As such it is therefore incumbent upon myself, and in behalf of
> >[INEGroup], to inform the DNSO GA, as well as the members of the
> >NCDNHC of this information, and in addition to notify the NCDNHC
> >that the individuals that singed in the name or their respective members
> >did so without their members full and complete knowledge or
> >agreement.
> >
> If you are not member of ENRED (and you are not), you donīt know how we do
> work.

  Correct I am NOT a member, nor did or have I ever stated that I am.
However many of our [INEGroup], ARE members, as as their spokesman
I am REQUIRED to inform those of interest in these undertakings.

> Our members know the content of our proposal, and we decided supported it
> in function of our by laws.

  If this is so, than please provide a publicly available URL or a signed
document by ALL of your members or any other document that would
support your claim.

  Until or unless that can be done, we [INEGroup] stand by my
comment/statement in it's entirety

  BTW, I will again note that in Mr. Echeberria response here he purposefully
left out or deleted my complete response.  I am now re-adding it here
It is also archived here:

==============  Original response follows===============

     To: Pisanty Baruch Alejandro-FQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Subject: Re: [ga] Re: ncdnhc discussion items
     From: Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 05:59:52 +0100
     CC: Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency Discussion List
     Organization: INEG. Inc. (Spokesman INEGroup)
     References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pisanty and all,

  It has recently come to my attention, and hence this post, that a
number of our members [INEGroup] are also members of the
SDNP, Panama, ISOC Mexico, ENRED, and FUNREDES.  Yet
until yesterday were unaware of any proposal as Pisanty enumerated
here (See below) nor could find any official posting of consideration of
this proposal on the respective sites for these organizations.

  As such it is therefore incumbent upon myself, and in behalf of
[INEGroup], to inform the DNSO GA, as well as the members of the
NCDNHC of this information, and in addition to notify the NCDNHC
that the individuals that singed in the name or their respective members
did so without their members full and complete knowledge or

Pisanty Baruch Alejandro-FQ wrote:

> Dear Randy, and all,
> yesterdeay we sent a formal comment on the draft on behalf of a group in
> Latin America and the Caribbean.
> Our main points in that proposal are:
> 1. To establish a board for the constituency. This is needed for the
> administration of internal affairs and in our view it does not coincide
> with the functions of the Names Council we would elect. We propose the
> board or council to be formed by five persons according to geographical
> diversity. We had proposed this before, and it also is in line with the
> proposal by Harald Alvestrand.
> 2. To respect the geographical diversity criterion in as many instances as
> possible. Therefore the board of five.
> 3. To eliminate the division of organizations into groups by size.
> The proposal is accompanied by a sense of urgency to get the NCDNHC
> started. In some points we think that there are reasons and arguments for
> and against what we propose (eg the size grouping of organizations) and
> believe that the drafters of the original document should explain how they
> got to that draft.
> The proposal is signed by Raul Echeberria (ENRED, Uruguay), Vany Martinez
> (SDNP, Panama), Daniel Pimienta (FUNREDES, Republica Dominicana) and
> myself on behalf of ISOC Mexico.
> Yours,
> Alejandro Pisanty
> .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

>      Dr. Alejandro Pisanty,
>      Director General de Servicios de Computo Academico
>      (Director, Computing Academic Services)
>      Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
>      Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico City DF MEXICO
> Tel. (+52-5) 622-8541, 622-8542; Fax 622-8540
> .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

> On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Randy Bush wrote:
> > so far, there seem to be four areas of discussion of the content of the
> > draft proposal for the constituency as appended.
> >   o this list may have missed some.  if so, please tell us.
> >   o this may have misinterpreted your 'comment'.  if so, please correct
> >   o people may have additional comments.  if so, please tell us.
> >   o it is hoped that you may have further comments on these items.  if so,

> >     please make them.
> >
> > it is time to propose and draft any changes the community feels need to be

> > made based on the comments received.  how about we do so before the end of

> > next week, after folk have had a few days to comment?
> >
> > randy
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Raul Echeberria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > How will we combine the geographic criteria established in the DNSO by
> > to elect the three representatives, with the "size" criteria (small/large
> > organizations) established in this Draft ?
> >
> > I agree with Roberto Gaetano (mail of 17/6) in allowing non voting members

> > that could be participating in other constituencies.
> >
> > -----
> >
> > "J. William Semich (NIC JWS7)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > The ICANN bylaws specifically state that all DNSO constituencies should be

> > open to members of other constituencies ...
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Tarek Kamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > submitted the form for the organization The Internet Society of Egypt -
> > Chapter of the Internet Society.
> >
> > in the development of the current draft proposal, the issue of membership
> > many sub-groups of a member organization arose.  the drafters thought that

> > this could be a problem and needed addressing, but never agreed on any
> > specific language.  we ended the discussion by saying that in this early
> > stage of the constituency's development, informal persuasion and pressure
> > might be better than hard rules.back.
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Mark S Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > submitted a form for the Petrovic family, implying disagreement with the
> > draft's provision that organizations, not persons or families, be members
> >
> > "Small Organizations: Organizations meeting the membership criteria and
> > goals for promoting non-commercial activity on the Internet as set out in
> > Section I above, operating on a not-for-profit basis for the benefit of
> > than one individual or family, ..."
> >
> > -30-
> >
> > ---

================  End of COMPLETE copied original resopnse===========

> Thanks for your interest.
> Raul Echeberria
> Foro Latinoamericano de Redes - ENRED
> Presidente Alterno


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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