On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 04:00:30PM +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> Kent Crispin wrote:
> >
> >Agreed.  Incidentally, I signed up to be a member of IDNO a couple 
> >of days ago.  How come I haven't been allowed in?
> This is news to me. Headline news actually.
> Are you sure?  Did you apply through the website?

Yep, I sure did.

> That gets passed on to the elected membership committee and I think I would
> have heard about it.

Oh, I'm sure of it.

> Are you sure you want to become a member, Kent-- having to agree to that
> offensive "loyalty oath" that reads: " I support the principles and mission
> statement of the IDNO constituency." ??

No, I don't agree to that offensive loyalty oath.  I simply ignored it.

> What does this mean for the whole stakeholder constituency idea, if the PAB
> chair, an active member of an registry organization that has been seeking
> representation in most other constituencies of the DNSO , can also demand
> entry in an organization that is organized around principles that are
> almost the antithesis of what he stands for?

As anybody can see, this is the first move in a PAB takeover of the 
IDNO.  ;-)

> Is this serious?
> Are you aware that the IDNO membership rules (now approved by the whole
> membership) would ask you to choose for which constituency you will sit on
> the NC or control somebody else's vote there?
> Are you just doing this to embroil the IDNO in further controversy prior to
> the ICANN decision in Santiago, or is this a signal of peace and will we
> see that you will actually support our application as a constituency of the
> I think the membership committee has the right to defer such a membership
> application,

I didn't expect any better of you...

> in view of its extraordinary character, pending answers to the
> above  fundamental questions about your intent, the PAB's intent and
> CORE's intent before referring the ultimate decision to the entire membership.
> (in the most democratic fashion)

Actually, my intent is absolutely none of your business.  I am a
completely legitimate individual domain name holder.  That's all you
need to know.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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