Kerry Miller wrote:

> It might be nice if ICANN had a budget to verify the personhood of
> every member -- but failing that, arent accounts the most
> economical basis for legitimation (and, if one looks at the concept
> of net-voting overall, also the most logical)? There is a great deal of
> absolutely free data supplied with every message just for the
> purpose of 'verification' of its origins. Various agencies, I
> understand, already find it useful for their purposes; and in any
> case, it might work as a 'dry run' just to see what fraudulence
> shows up. (It would have to be represented as the real thing, of
> course, or no one would bother.)

Two points:

1)  The potential for fraud is probably as great if not greater in traditional
paper ballot elections than electronic ballots.  Registration in U.S.
jurisdictions requires absolutely no verification of any information,
including identity.  I do not know how things differ in countries using
universal i.d. cards.

2)  You need a dry run (probably more) under any circumstance.  Practicing on
live patients is malpractice.  I suggested an election over new TLDs because I
thought it would bring out a preponderance of the potential voters (and
problems).  Even if not binding, it would be seen as influential, and,
therefore, serious.  And, it could be held on short notice.  You would
announce it (as well as the procedure for signing up as a member) on various
lists.  This would give you a jump start in creating a significant membership
base, as well.

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