Roeland M.J. Meyer a écrit:
> I kinda disagree. I supported it.

That's true. I remember you did.

> Not many of us supported it, as I recall. I brought it up in
> the early IDNO talks too. The issue is future DN holders, those who
> don't yet have a DN.

They join when they get a domain name. Simple.

> I still don't quite agree, but what they want is
> more open than that. Albeit, not as deliverable.

The problem isn't just deliverability, althought that's a major
issue. Domain name holders are reachable and accountable, absolutely
necessary criteria for any online voting mechanism to work. But even
more important, they have a real stake, an economic stake, in the
registration agreement, which they will have to sign, making them
personally liable. That's what divides the real stakeholders from
the rest, and, since this is all about economics, those with a real
economic stake must have a say, a place at the negotiating table. If
the ICANN or DNSO memberships are a catch-all for mixed
non-domain-holding users and domain name holders, it will be all too
easy for the service providers, operators, and allocators to claim
that the users shouldn't have a voice or a vote. This can only be
counteracted by having all voting members be legitimate registrants,

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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