> AOL, one of ICANN's daunted "Test Bed" Registrars screws
> up again
    Jeff, the word is 'vaunted,' but why do you say screws up? 
Seems to me the question of who controls the instant messaging 
registry is just as live an issue as the DNS -- or are you saying 
youve sold your screwed up NSI stock? 

> All,
> FYI: http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/20914.html
>   Looks as though this bunch can't seem to get much right lately.
> Wonder how they are going to handle their Registrar business???
> I know I don't want to find out!  Maybe they will require that you use
> AIM for sending in registration templates or change requests?  Ya
> think?  ROFLMAO!

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