Fred Hardie and all,

  In addition to Fred's remarks and/or comments, I would like to add
that I have some serious concerns that the PSO does not contain a
General Assembly or membership as part of it's structure.  This seems
to me to be both relevant and necessary for the PSO to consider...


> Fred,
>         In the message below, you note two different types
> of representation:  members of the Protocol Council and Directors
> of the ICANN Board.  Do you believe that the IAB should make
> interim selections for both types of representation, or is that
> selection specific to ICANN's board?
>                                 regards,
>                                         Ted Hardie
> >
> > The Poisson Working Group, in discussion Wednesday morning, advised me to
> > sign the Memorandum of Understanding among ICANN, IETF, ETSI, ITU-T, and
> > W3C, forming the initial PSO. We did that during the plenary meeting
> > Wednesday evening, and afterwards had a very informal initial discussion
> > among the leaders of those parties about how to proceed from here.
> >
> > It is now incumbent on the IETF to supply two members to the Protocol
> > Council and nominate one or more potential Directors of the ICANN Board to
> > come from the PSO. The near term objective is to have PSO representation on
> > ICANN's board by November.
> >
> > For the long term, it would be best for Poisson to decide how that should
> > be done - there are good arguments for having the nominating committee do
> > that job; there are also good arguments (RFC 1601 section 2(e)) for having
> > the IAB make those choices. In the short term, I believe and request that
> > the IAB should make interim selections, to stand until that discussion and
> > process has taken its course.
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > Fred Baker    |       519 Lado Drive
> > IETF Chair    |       Santa Barbara, California 93111
> >                 |     +1 (805) 886-3873
> >


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
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