At 08:51 AM 27/07/1999 -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 12:56 AM 7/27/99 , Joop Teernstra wrote:
>>the Association. Protection of the early organization against those who are
>>determined to make it fail its mission is an unenviable part of a
>>bootstrapping process.
>And in this one statement, we are told the core of the problem with IDNO, 
>both its history and its present.  The mailing list's archives will nicely 
>document an aggressive effort to suppress contributions that do not fall 
>within a very narrow band of acceptability.  This is not a matter of 
>rejecting uncivil discourse, but of rejecting alternative views.
Not true. The only "alternative view" that the organization had to reject
was that of 2 well known provocateurs, partisans of CORE, who came to take
issue with our very mission statement: that we should exist as a
constituency of the DNSO.
Small wonder that members, who have collected around a mission statement
that we *should* be such a constituency, protest.
You are still not suppressed, no matter how hard you have tried to be.

>That is not a one-person problem, fixed by having that one person step away 
>from holding future office.

You did not read that in my open letter. Wishful thinking, Dave?

But you are right, for you and Kent the "problem" will only be fixed when
the IDNO is destroyed or it's leaders are replaced by people you can control.
--Joop Teernstra LL.M.--  , bootstrap  of
the Cyberspace Association,
the constituency for Individual Domain Name Owners

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