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>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 18:29:19 -0700
>From: James Seng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Accept-Language: en,zh,zh-TW,zh-CN
>To: Robert Elz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: draft-duerst-dns-i18n-02.txt
>References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi all and Robert,
>I think there is some general misconception. 
>Internationalization DNS effort is not an issue of martin draft
>vs skwan draft. there are merits in both draft, and neither draft
>in its current state address all the issues i have encountered 
>while doing my iDNS testbed with the NICs for the last year.
>What is apparent is that iDNS does not really care whether the final 
>domain name is in UTF-5 or in UTF-8. Either encoding we choose, you 
>still have to take care of the iDNS issues which I shall mention 
>later. But let me reply your mail first.
>Robert Elz wrote:
>> I think that you're saying here, that if your system knows UTF-5, you
>> can have a UTF-5 domain name, and send me e-mail from that name, and that
>> my system which knows nothing of UTF-5 will be able to interpret the name
>> and reply to you - your address will look ugly, but it will still meet
>> the syntax requirements of everything that matters, and be functional.
>UTF-8 is currently the standard UTF for IETF. Most OS which supports
>Unicode already expressed that UTF-8 is the encoding they will use. The
>beauty of UTF-8 is obviously in the compatibility with US-ASCII thus 
>making incorporation of the current existing domain name space easiler.
>UTF-5 is a new proposal, which of course means no vendors is going to
>support it at the moment. However, it has a elegance in that the final
>Unicode strings is within a limited A-V,0-9 character set which means
>it should not break any existing DNS client/server. In fact, if you go
>beyond DNS, I doubt it will break any other existing client/server for
>other protocols. This makes it extremely compatible UTF.
>I agree with Martin that UTF-8 should be the long term solution. 
>However, it should be noted that which ever encoding we used, we 
>have to look beyond DNS, and think in other related protocols. In 
>particular, the main concern currently is email. While it is possible 
>to have a domain name in UTF-8 working perfectly, it is not possible 
>to have an email address totally in UTF-8 without a overhaul in SMTP 
>protocol and all the clients and servers. Of course, it can be done 
>and it will take time.
>On the other hand, UTF-5 works pretty well, required minimum changes 
>in protocols and softwares. This makes it an ideal encoding in a 
>Ultimately, it is my believe that an DNS system should be designed 
>properly based on UTF-8. But in the meantime, our effort to push for 
>UTF-5 is a case of theortical vs practical issues. (Theortically UTF-8 
>is better. In practice, UTF-5 works and implements immediately)
>At various meetings, at APRIOCT and at INET, i have tried to get an 
>agreement on this issues but I couldnt since the iDNS is so new and
>I have to spend the session explain the background all over again. 
>In fact, there are queries why we are using Unicode in the first place!
>(Unicode v1.0 did a pretty bad job for Asian language. It is a 
>historical problem on how they handle the Asians in general when they 
>first started.)
>Anyway, I am planning to hold an iDNS BoF at the next IETF meeting 
>in Nov under Application Area so we can trash out this issue. 
>> However, and given that I haven't seen James' proposed new draft yet, and
>> am relying upon your old one, I believe this relies on the ".i" TLD
>> working, doesn't it?   I'm afraid I have never been able to give much
>Having an new ".i" TLD has its advantage. While, France in French may end
>up using .fr and Germany in German may still be .de, Taiwan in Chinese is
>not likely to use .tw nor Japan in Japanese going to use .jp. Of course,
>unless you define your i18n to mean only European languages.
>> credence to the possibility of that, and the parallel tree that it implies,
>> is practical in any sense at all.   It would mean that to allow anyone to
>> have a UTF-5 name in .AU I would need to create an AU.i domain, and under
>> that COM.AU.i - and unless I were to want to immediately add a large number
>> of lame delegations to the DNS, I'd have to administer it separately, only
>> adding delegations when requested, while somehow attempting to ensure that
>> control of sub-domains rested with the same people who run the equivalent
>> COM.AU domains.   Thanks all the same, but no thanks.
>There is no conflict as you mention here. You are imaging things :)
>If a domain name is strictly US-ASCII, then i do not see why you should 
>put it under .i hierarchy. You only use the alternative hierarchy if it 
>is a multilingual domain name.  In certain ways, I see the separation 
>as an advantage in maintaince and also helped a little by balancing the 
>current hierarchy.
>> That is, if it were considered appropriate, the e-mail specs could be
>> left as they are, e-mail addresses could continue to demand ascii domain
>So does that means while I can have a Chinese domain name, I couldnt
>use my Chinese name as my Email name? I think you have miss the point
>of the issues of our current effort.
>27% of the Japan population is using the Internet. It is estimated that
>only 10% Japanese can read and write English and maybe 1/2 of these can 
>speak it properly. So what do the rest of the 13% do? They stick to their
>whole of Japanese website, and sending to each another email in Japanese.
>So what you going to tell the rest of the 73% of the Japanese who is
>waiting to join the NET? Too bad, learn English first?
>Consider the case in China with 4million Internet user up from 1/2 million
>in 1998. This only represent less than 1% of the population and estimately,
>about only 2% China users can actually read/write English. China may not
>be too bad since it is possible to use transliteration via Hanyu Pinyin
>and get a domain name like zhaodaole.com or "findit.com". Still, looking
>at the word "zhaodaole" dont really give me any clue that it is means 
>Consider the case in Taiwan, where Hanyu Pinyin wasnt even used. So 
>"zhaodale" probably dont even makes sense to them.
>I could go on but my point is that a half-way solution is not acceptable. 
>We either have i18n of DNS or we dont. And if we do, we should at least 
>make sure the other relating protocols can be i18n with the domain names.
>> names, and utf-5 encoding, with a .i pseudo-tld could be used to mark
>> them.   The DNS specs could say that any domain name ending in ".i" is
>> one which is presented to the resolver in UTF5, and needs to be converted
>> to UTF-8, the ".i" removed, and then looked up in the DNS.   This allows
>> the DNS to have the "natural" names, avoids any kind of parallel DNS
>> tree from being required, and also allows a natural progression towards
>> extending the e-mail interface in the future if desired (doesn't tend to
>> lock the world into what currently seems like the only implementable
>> solution, forever).
>These are implementation issues.
>> In any case, I look forward to seeing James' promised draft, where I'd
>> hope that the rationale for all of this will be set out.
>I have already submitted the draft to [EMAIL PROTECTED] But I
>think you will be disappointed to know that the purpose of the draft is 
>to define UTF-5, and not to address iDNS issue. As I mention above, iDNS 
>issues are issues need to be address irregardless whether we use UTF-5 or
>UTF-8. And that is the draft I still writing and I hope to get it done 
>before the next IETF meeting.
>So what are these iDNS issues? Hell lot and most of it wasnt even addressed
>in Kwan's draft or even Martin's draft.
>Lets start with something you know. Case problem. DÜRST or Dürst? 
>I think this was mention in Kwan's draft and the solution is to convert
>it to lower case. :)
>Now, lets consider language outside European. For example, Chinese have
>Traditional and Simplified character which have different code point in
>Unicode, and of course different glyph but they mean the same thing. For
>example, Taiwan in Chinese can be either (in Unicode) U+53F0 U+6063 or
>U+81FA U+6063. Both means Taiwan and both are valid. Converting between them
>are unfortunately not possible due to CJK unification. This is because
>what is Simplified character of a Traditional character in Chinese may not
>be so in Japanese. In fact, Japanese would prefer no such conversion.
>Korean are simplier since they already stop using the chinese ideograph and
>replace it with Hangul.
>Speaking of Japanese, lets take "JAPAN" or NIPPON. It is normally written
>in Kanji with using 2 glyph. On the other hand, Japanese childrens do not
>learn Kanji before grade 6. They learn the basic Hiragana instead and to
>them, the hiragana form of NIPPON are "correct".
>And you can move on to a other languages and you will find other problem 
>and they are very different. e.g Tamil have their "upper" and "lower" case
>glyph and unfortunately in Unicode, these "upper" and "lower" case glyph can
>only been obtained via kerneling (as Tamil was not given enough code space).
>This means conversion from "upper" to "lower" case is not a simple of A->a.
>This is only part of the issues we need to address. If you are interested,
>I strongly suggest you subscribe to our APNG iDNS Working Group. Send an
>email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe" to join the mailing list.
>-James Seng
Richard Sexton  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://dns.vrx.net/tech/rootzone
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