Is this a business model for an independent Net?


Issue: Ecommerce

Chicago-based Archipelago announced yesterday that it will apply 
with the US Securities and Exchange Commission by August 1 to 
convert its electronic trading network into a self-regulated stock 
exchange. Electronic communications networks (ECNs) like 
Archipelago electronically match stock sellers and buyers and tout 
their ability to make trades more quickly and cheaply than 
traditional stock exchanges by cutting out a middleman, Zajac 
writes. 20% of trades on the Nasdaq stock market, for example, 
are executed by ECNs. But systems like Archipelago have not 
been able to get their prices published in national quote systems 
shared by stock exchanges: "It seems to us that the only way to 
break through this barrier is to become an exchange," said 
Archipelago CEO Gerald Putnam. 

[SOURCE: Chicago Tribune (Sec 3, p.1), AUTHOR: Andrew Zajac] 

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