El Generalisimo Sola and all,

  I am afraid that the "Generalisimo" here has is a bit backwards.
ICANN doesn't even really exist in that it has not membership.
The DNSO does in the GA.  Hence Dennis's "Suggestion" is both valid
and within the bounds of proper protocol in this instance...  In addition
the "NC" is really the "pNC", a NON-ELECTED, and therefore questionably
legitimate group, which there fore is in violation of the White Paper
as well as the MoU.

Javier SOLA wrote:


I would advice that you read the bylaws. The NC is mandated to elect the
Chair of the DNSO, not the ccTLDs.

As you well try to deform, we have not *proposed* anybody as Chair of the
DNSO. Following the mandate of the ICANN bylaws, be have *elected* a Chair
for the meeting. If you have any complaints, please address them to ICANN,
asking them to change  the bylaws, instead of trying to destroy the work
that others have been doing organizing the Santiago meeting while you just
sat back. Your ambitions are not above the bylaws.

Again, the choice of Nii Quaynor did not encounter in the Names Council the
oposition of the Director of CENTR, the organization of which you are
president. You should coordinate internally, instead of advocating a
violation of the bylaws.


At 22:05 29/07/99 +0100, Dennis Jennings wrote:
>I think the proposal by the Interim Names Council to have Nii
>Quaynor chair the DNSO General Assembly in Santiago is an
>excellent one.
>However, I do take the view that the General Assembly should be
>consulted in this matter.
>> By the way. It was also decided some time ago that the Chairman of this
>> particular Assembly will be Nii Quaynor (the third ccTLD representative,
>> together with Bill and Fay). Not Fay nor Bill complained about this
>> decisions. Please make sure that you coordinate with your representatives.
>> Javier
>Dennis M. Jennings
>Director, Computing Services, University College Dublin.
>Address:  Daedalus Building, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
>Telephone:  +353-(1) 706 7817
>Fax:        +353-(1) 706 2362


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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