
Dear Mr. Rutt:

I am writing to learn more about actions by Network Solutions 
Incorporated ("NSI") to introduce a new Internet directory. This new 
directory -- called the "dot com directory" -- apparently utilizes data 
that NSI has collected pursuant to its Cooperative Agreement with 
the U.S. government. NSI possessed exclusive authority to collect 
this data until June 1999, when competitive registrars began 
offering domain name registration services.  

As you may know, officials from your company have briefed 
Committee staff several times about NSI's proprietary claims to the 
underlying data that NSI apparently has decided to use in the dot 
com directory. During these meetings, Committee staff indicated 
that the Committee likely would request written responses related 
to the subjects discussed during the briefings.  

In light of NSI's introduction of this new directory, and the emerging 
competition for domain name registration services, the Committee 
wants to learn more about the effect your company's actions may 
have on an open and competitive domain name marketplace and 
the potential consumer confusion that could result from such 
actions. Accordingly, in order to assist the Committee in its review 
of this matter, please provide the following information to the 
Committee by August 10, 1999:  

1. During your testimony last week before the Subcommittee on 
Oversight and Investigations, you indicated that NSI is claiming a 
proprietary right to the data in the WHOIS database, which 
apparently is the same data that will be used in the dot com 
directory. Regarding NSI's proprietary claims to this data:  

a. Please identify all individual and aggregate data elements to 
which NSI is claiming a proprietary right;  

b. For each data element identified in response to request 1.a., 
provide a detailed explanation of the legal analysis under which NSI 
is claiming a proprietary right to the data element in question. All 
legal analyses should identify the nature of the proprietary right 
being claimed, such as trade secret or copyright, and whether the 
proprietary right being claimed is exclusive or non-exclusive


                   3. Please answer the following questions:

a. Did the subject of proprietary rights in the WHOIS database 
arise during negotiations between the Department of Commerce 
and NSI regarding Amendment 11 to the Cooperative Agreement?  

i. If the subject did arise, please describe what action, if any, the 
Department of Commerce took at the time the subject came up.  

ii. Please provide all records of communications between the 
Department of Commerce and NSI relating to the action described 
in response to request 3.a.i.  

b. When did NSI first inform the Department of Commerce that it 
was contemplating asserting proprietary rights to the data in the 
WHOIS database?  

i. Please describe what action, if any, the Department of 
Commerce took at the time it received this information from NSI.  

ii. Please provide all records of communications between the 
Department of Commerce and NSI related to the action described 
in response to request 3.b.i.  

c. When did NSI first inform the Department of Commerce that it 
was contemplating the use of the data in the WHOIS database to 
create the dot com directory?  

i. Please describe what action, if any, the Department of 
Commerce took at the time it received this information from NSI.  

ii. Please provide all records of communications between the 
Department of Commerce and NSI related to the action described 
in response to request 3.c.i.


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