Vany and all,

 Interesting thoughts and they should be expanded upon to be sure.

  It is the very nature of "Constituencies" to divide and therefore create
to one extent or another "Divisiveness" as to the point of also creating
"Special Interest Groups" within the structure of the DNSO.  This was
in our [INEGroup's] opinion a very bad and destabilizing act on the
part of the ICANN (Initial?) Interim board.  It appears that this sort of
divisiveness is underway at a rapid and destructive pace, hence leaving
many organizations, such as you mention below in your comments
nearly no real place of very little place of determination in the policy
decisions that will in the future effect all stakeholders of the Internet.

Vany Martinez wrote:

> Hi all:
> I just woke up this morning and while drinking a cup of tea, I was reading
> the newspaper.
> In the enterntaiment section I read about a new organization that is
> fighting agains piratery
> of music by means of Internet.  They are creating new formats due MP3 is
> now very popularized
> and promotes, of course piratery.
> After I begin to think in the people of Hollywood:  the movies
> industry...The Oscar:  Academy of
> Motion Pictures Art and Sciencies (
> Reading the NCDNHC, I saw that also organizations that promotes arts and
> sciences are welcome to NCDNHC.
> this one we are talking about promotes the Motion Picture arts and Motion
> Pictures Sciences.
> But where is the point???
> The point is that I think we are not thinking in the far away future.  We
> are thinking just in the "now".
> I would think that organizations that fight against piratery (of all kinds)
> promotes commerical interests,
> but the fact is that piratery is ilegal and piratery can attack even to
> non-commercial organizations.
> Or well, when we think in arts, maybe we are thinking in little
> associations that are, of course,
> non-commercial: groups of experimental theater, associations of concerts
> and arts in every country
> promoting the people go to such events, schools and unversities dedicated
> only to arts (public and
> private).
> But what about the really big ones??? the ones that seems to serve
> "commercial interests"??? however
> when you read what it threats about such academy, in fact, they just claim
> that promotes the arts.
> Organizations as:
> - The Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences (best well known as the
> people that
> awards the Oscar)
> - And the ones that organize Cannes festival
> - The Academy Music Awards
> and many more others.
> And I can follow with other areas:  The National Science Foundation??,
> what about the Militar schools???
> All of them are educative, even if their educational area directs to
> militar ones.  What about
> CERN in Geneva???
> While we are worrying about "non-profit" or "non-commercial"...we have a
> worst problem in the future.
> Once time someone that I think is well known for all of us, was claimed
> very angrily about don't allow
> ISOC to promote and even don't allow ISOC to be member of NCDNHC.  Today,
> when I though in the guys
> that awards the Oscar, I just think that if such guys wish to be member NCDNHC
> we cannot deny the membership because the Academy of Motion Picture and
> Science is for the artists
> of motion picture community what ISOC is for Internet community.
> By the way...this is only a very little piece of future...can anyone else
> produce more examples in other areas???
> Best Regards
> Vany
> :-)
> Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
> Especialista en Tecnologia de Informacion/Asistente Administrativa
> Programa Red de Desarrollo Sostenible/Panama
> Tel. (507) 230-4011 ext 213, (507) 230-3455
> Fax: (507) 230-3646
> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
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