
Still waiting for your/ICANN's response on these items.


>Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 01:01:30 -0400
>From: Gene Marsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I have tried on several occasions to re-establish some form of
communication with you and ICANN.  You have committed to me your response
on several issues, but have ignored my requests and your commitments.
>I ask again publicly for you to address, directly, the following questions:
>- Why have you not responded to the formal request to you and the ICANN
board to re-evaluate the TLDA position as a gTLD DNSO Constituency?  You
committed to me an answer on this topic in the first week of June.
>- Why have you ignored requests from Diebold Incorporated and other
corporations for clarification on the constituency position for corporations?
>- Why have you not followed the ICANN Bylaws regarding DNSO constituency?
>- Why has there been no recognition of existing new TLD registry interests
>These are straight-forward questions.  I expect them to be answered, as
you have committed to do.

Gene Marsh
president, anycastNET Incorporated

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