Short answer:

No, open v. closed was not on the agneda (or discussed) on the phone call
yesterday. You can see what we *did* discuss - the NC, and the rationale for
the decisions - in the minutes posted at the ICANN  site.  

The GAC sets its own agenda, and we are not responsible for what it
considers....or advises.


At 01:48 PM 13/08/99 +0000, Kerry  Miller wrote:
>Per the posted minutes of the Berlin meeting (5/27/99), 
> :
>"Finally, on a related matter, staff reported that ICANN had 
>solicited public comments on the question of whether "initial DNSO 
>Constituencies currently identified as 'ccTLD registries' and 'gTLD 
>registries' be re-categorized as 'open registries' and 'closed 
>registries,' identified according to whether the registry is open to 
>any registrant, worldwide ('open'), or is instead limited to certain 
>registrants based on geography, intended use, or other criteria 
>('closed')," and that the response had been largely negative; 
>therefore, the staff did not recommend taking any action on the 
>matter at this time."  
>Why then has the issue been put on the Governmental Advisory 
>Committee agenda? Does the GAC originate "advice" for the BoD? 
>Is there a record of the BoD asking the GAC for this advice, against 
>the recommendations of "staff"? Although there is no evidence that 
>the issue was revisited 6/23, was it on the agenda for the 8/12 
>telephone meeting? 
>On a related note, I suggest that ICANN and its associated groups 
>and committees make an effort to put the dates of origin and last-
>modification on their web pages? In particular reference to 
>amendments to the Bylaws, where the 'paper trail' itself might be of 
>interest, could this annotation be expanded to preserve rather than 
>over-write the earlier version(s)? 
>Appreciating that following this up with any consistency is likely to 
>have only low priority for staff resources, I volunteer my hard drive 
>as a repository, and will provide the 5 Jun version of the ICANN 
>Bylaws, on request. (The relevant sections (2) and (3) are 
>appended below.)  I hope someone with more resources can 
>archive the  "extensive public comment," including the 
>documentation when "this matter was first discussed at ICANN's 
>May meetings in Berlin."  (I note at the URL given above, that 
> Resolution 99.35 says only that" the Board requests that the 
>Constituency for gTLD registries agree... to select only one 
>individual (rather than three) to represent that Constituency on the 
>provisional Names Council, and the Board states that if such 
>Constituency does not agree to make only one such selection, the 
>Board will amend the Bylaws to effectuate such goal." The minutes 
>make no note of extensive public comment at that meeting, or that 
>the resolution embodied a consensus of attendees altho I agree 
>that some of the other resolutions (also appended) suggest there 
>was some concern at least on the part of the Interim Board.
>While there is certainly a "need of the DNSO Names Council for
>prompt clarification of its membership structure," I confess I am 
>surprised that this reversal of policy was not considered a 
>"significant Internet policy issue" to be discussed at a quarterly 
>meeting rather than on a special meeting teleconference.  Has the 
>DNSO in fact "amended its proposal"? ( does not 
>apparently refer to any proposal, nor have the "organizers of the 
>provisional Names Council" done so at 
>kerry miller
>Agenda for ICANN GAC (Meeting III,  9:00am to 6:30pm [!],  
>8/24/99 ) Santiago, Chile
>4.Discussion on domains containing restrictions or conditions on 
>registration that serve to ensure certainty with respect to the 
>application and enforcement of laws ("restricted domains"), as 
>opposed to domains containing no such restrictions or conditions 
>on registrations ("open domains").  
>5.Discussion on principles for the delegation of management for 
>As posted 5 June, VI (2) a reads in its entirety:
>" The NC shall consist of three representatives from each 
>Constituency recognized by the Board pursuant to the criteria set 
>forth in Section 3 of this Article." 
>VI (3)c reads in part:
>   " Nominations within each Constituency may be made by any 
>member of the Constituency, but no such member may make more 
>than one nomination in any single Constituency; provided that this 
>limitation shall not apply to any Constituency with less than
>three members."
>As amended 12 August: 
>  "The NC shall consist of representatives, selected in accordance 
>with Section 3(c) of this Article, from each Constituency 
>recognized by the Board pursuant to the criteria set forth in Section 
>3 of this Article."  
>  "Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Constituency may have more 
>representatives on the NC than there are members of the 
>Further minutes of the Berlin meeting (my emphasis):
>FURTHER RESOLVED (Resolution 99.32), that the President of 
>the Corporation is directed to work with the Constituencies to 
>amend their proposals to address deficiencies noted by the Board,
>which amended proposals must include a commitment of the 
>submitting Constituency to *hold a new election of Names Council 
>representatives* promptly following the approval by the Board of 
>such amended proposal. 
>FURTHER RESOLVED (Resolution 99.33), that, when such 
>proposals are so amended, the Board should examine such 
>proposals to determine *whether the deficiencies have been 
>satisfactorily addressed* and whether to extend the recognition 
>today made.  
>FURTHER RESOLVED (Resolution 99.34), that the Names Council 
>*representatives chosen by the provisionally recognized 
>Constituencies shall constitute the provisional Names Council, with 
>all the powers set forth in the Bylaws* other than the selection of 
>ICANN Directors (pursuant to Section 2(e) of Article VI-B of the 
>Bylaws), which selection powers will be deferred until such time as 
>the Board determines it has made sufficient final recognitions.  
>FURTHER RESOLVED (Resolution 99.35), that the Board 
>*requests* that the Constituency for gTLD registries agree, for so 
>long as Network Solutions is the only participant in such 
>Constituency, to select only one individual (rather than three) to 
>represent that Constituency on the provisional Names Council, and 
>the Board states that if such Constituency does not agree to make 
>only one such selection, the Board will amend the Bylaws to 
>effectuate such goal. 

Esther Dyson                    Always make new mistakes!
chairman, EDventure Holdings
interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
1 (212) 924-8800
1 (212) 924-0240 fax
104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
New York, NY 10011 USA          

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