Could someone explain what effect ICANN has on countries other than the

I would assume other countries within their borders are free to
continue as normal?  As they don't use NSI for their host naming,
and yes, while their address space does originate from the US its given
in gigantic slabs then divided up locally by organisations such as RIPE

I would assume even if ICANN does try to extend its quasi authority to
other countries in a 'co-operate or stop interconnecting with us'
fashion, what's to stop other countries using their own address space
and name serving convention internally (maybe even with other
countries), and going through some giant IP/DNS translator on the way
to/from the US?  This is how the existing telephone systems work,
(countries use their own numbering & signalling protocoles internally
and go through a giant protocol converter when you dial/receive
international) why not use the same concept for IP also?




Jay Fenello wrote:
> This was just sent to about
> 20 media watch groups.  FYI:
> Jay.
> >Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 13:35:12 -0400
> >From: Jay Fenello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Media Blackout Continues
> >Bcc: MediaWatch
> >
> >
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'd like to welcome you to my private press
> >list.  You have been added because you have
> >been active in exposing media bias in its
> >many various forms.
> >
> >Over the last two and a half years, I've been
> >personally involved in the fight over the
> >establishment of Internet Governance.
> >
> >Here is a brief summary of the story that
> >the traditional press is surpressing.
> >
> >Please let me know if you have any questions,
> >and thank you for your consideration.
> >
> >Jay.
> >
> >
> >+++++
> >
> >
> >At 05:04 PM 8/9/99 , Jay Fenello wrote:
> >>
> >>ICANN vs. NSI
> >>The Net's First Civil War
> >>Copyright (c) 1999 Jay Fenello -- All Rights Reserved
> >>
> >>Over the last couple of weeks, a war has erupted
> >>over the very future of Cyberspace.
> >>
> >>Not only have diverse organizations like Ralph
> >>Nader's CPT and Americans for Tax Reform gotten
> >>involved, but Congress has held two hearings, and
> >>launched an investigation into possible collusion
> >>at the Justice Department, and illegal fundraising
> >>by the Clinton administration.
> >>
> >>To most casual observers, this appears to be a
> >>spat between the Internet Corporation for Assigned
> >>Names and Numbers (ICANN), and Network Solutions,
> >>Inc. (NSI).
> >>
> >>In actuality, much, much more is at stake.
> >>
> >>The story begins with the phenomenal success of
> >>the Internet.  What was once a sleepy, little research
> >>experiment funded by the U.S. Government, the Internet
> >>has grown to become a world-wide frontier of freedom,
> >>ideas, education, entertainment and commerce.
> >>
> >>Along the way, the informal processes used to govern
> >>the Internet became obsolete.  And when governments
> >>and organizations tried to address the issues that
> >>required world-wide decisions, they realized that
> >>no-one was in charge!
> >>
> >>To address this situation, a couple of alternatives
> >>were possible.  One involved getting legislation passed
> >>in over 200 countries throughout the world!  Not very
> >>likely, and certainly not very efficient.
> >>
> >>Instead, the Clinton administration proposed a U.S.
> >>based, non-profit corporation to assume the management
> >>of the coordinated technical functions of the Internet.
> >>This new organization would use "flow down" contracts
> >>that would specify every right and obligation for
> >>anyone wishing to use the Internet.
> >>
> >>Last year, Commerce decided that ICANN was to be this
> >>organization.  It has been embroiled in controversy
> >>ever since.
> >>
> >>On the other side of this debate is NSI.  NSI was the
> >>recipient of a government Cooperative agreement, and had
> >>the exclusive rights to register all domains in the .com,
> >>.net, .org and .edu Top Level Domains (TLDs).  And while
> >>most people consider NSI an unfair monopoly in dire need
> >>of some competition, there was no such consensus about
> >>how to devolve their monopoly.
> >>
> >>From ICANN's perspective, NSI is administering TLDs
> >>which belong to the public, TLDs that are under ICANN's
> >>control.  In other words,  ICANN is claiming superior
> >>ownership rights in *all* domain names.
> >>
> >>ICANN's version of competition is to contract the
> >>administration of *their* TLDs to the lowest bidder,
> >>and to strictly license all domain name resellers, all
> >>while forcing Netizens to agree with some very heavy-
> >>handed policies in the process.
> >>
> >>From NSI's perspective, they have built a business
> >>around registering domain names, and they have built
> >>certain Intellectual Property rights in their client
> >>information and in their brands.  For ICANN to claim
> >>superior rights on behalf of the "public" is simply
> >>an attempt to confiscate their property without just
> >>compensation.
> >>
> >>NSI's version of competition involves new TLDs being
> >>introduced by ICANN, with competition between TLDs
> >>based on price and service as the result.
> >>
> >>This, in a nutshell, describes the public fight.
> >>And it highlights two very different futures for
> >>the Internet.  In one, ICANN owns/controls the assets
> >>underlying the Internet -- the domain names, the IP
> >>addresses, and the protocol numbers.  This can be
> >>equated with a top-down, regulatory approach to
> >>Internet Governance.
> >>
> >>In the other, private ownership/control is coordinated
> >>through a "consent of the governed" approach to Internet
> >>governance.  Individuals and organizations continue to
> >>own their respective Internet resources, and *choose*
> >>to interconnect based upon rules that are derived from
> >>a bottom-up consensus process.
> >>
> >>That's what this debate comes down to -- public ownership
> >>vs. private ownership, Socialism vs. Capitalism, the rights
> >>of the state vs. the rights of the individual -- and it's
> >>not like we haven't explored these concepts before!
> >>
> >>In many ways, the virtual world is simply a reflection
> >>of our real world.  Attempts to bring order to the chaos
> >>of cyberspace are exactly the same as attempts to bring
> >>order to the real world.
> >>
> >>The Internet is the Internet because it embraces certain
> >>concepts -- freedom, private ownership, personal choice.
> >>The decisions we are about to make may change all of this.
> >>
> >>Let's hope we choose wisely.
> >>
> >>Respectfully,
> >>
> >>Jay Fenello
> >>President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
> >>-----------------------------------------------
> >>What's your .per(sm)?
> >>
> >>"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
> >>-George Santayana
> >
> >
> >At 12:26 PM 8/10/99 , Jay Fenello wrote:
> >>At 12:03 PM 8/10/99 , an editor wrote:
> >>>Jay: I'd like to hear why you think this is an "untold story." Several news
> >>>outlets, including the New York Times have been covering every twist and
> >>>turn of this "civil war." What exactly are you getting at?
> >>
> >>
> >>I agree -- Jeri Clausing has been among one
> >>of the best news outlets covering every
> >>twist and turn in the DNS wars.
> >>
> >>All of this coverage, however, has been
> >>written with a certain frame.  That ICANN
> >>has been formed to bring competition to
> >>the name space, and that NSI is fighting
> >>to hold on to their monopoly.
> >>
> >>That's like covering the trees in a forest,
> >>but never talking about the forest.
> >>
> >>The really important issues are those that
> >>transcend the NSI monopoly -- those that will
> >>remain after the NSI monopoly is devolved.
> >>
> >>In this case, we have two major issues.
> >>What process will be used to make global
> >>decisions regarding the Internet, and what
> >>business models will be supported.
> >>
> >>ICANN has decided to implement a single
> >>uniform business model that involves the
> >>administration of "public" property.  That's
> >>a *huge* decision.  And it is being made
> >>even before its decision making processes
> >>are formalized.  In other words, they've
> >>got the cart in front of the horse.
> >>
> >>Ira Magaziner told me personally that the
> >>establishment of Internet Governance is just
> >>like the birth of our nation.  He said I should
> >>study that history, because the issues are the
> >>same.  I totally agree with him.
> >>
> >>If the year was 1776, would your paper cover
> >>the declaration of independance as a tax
> >>dispute?  I would hope not, just as I hope
> >>that the XXXXXX will cover the entire story
> >>surrounding the formation of ICANN, not
> >>just the NSI/ICANN dispute.
> >>
> >>I hope this helps, and please feel free
> >>to call if you have any questions.
> >>
> >>Jay.
> >
> >
> >>Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:40:37 -0400
> >>        Esther Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >>        Mike Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>From: Jay Fenello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: [IFWP] Media Blackout Continues in U.S.
> >>
> >>
> >>From the media outlet that dared to reveal
> >>the "Cone of Silence" surrounding ICANN:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Cone of Silence
> >>>John Horvath   12.05.99
> >>>ICANN or Internet democracy is failing
> >>
> >>
> >>From the media outlet that dared to criticize
> >>Esther Dyson's role in ICANN:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>A Peek into the Plumber's Pipe
> >>>John Horvath   02.08.99
> >>>What's Wrong with Esther Dyson
> >>
> >>
> >>Telepolis now dares to present the implications
> >>of the ICANN vs. NSI feud:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>ICANN vs. NSI
> >>>Jay Fenello   10.08.99
> >>>The Net's First Civil War
> >>
> >>
> >>Meanwhile, the U.S. Media Blackout continues.
> >>
> >>I wonder why?
> >>
> >>
> >>Respectfully,
> >>
> >>Jay Fenello
> >>President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
> >>-----------------------------------------------
> >>What's your .per(sm)?
> >
> Respectfully,
> Jay Fenello
> President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
> -----------------------------------------------
> What's your .per(sm)?
> "All truth passes through three stages.  First, it
> is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and
> third, it is accepted as self-evident."
> (Arthur Schopenhauer)

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