For those of you who attend a lot of meetings, this should make
those meetings go faster! If you don't attend lots of meetings,
consider yourself lucky.

How to play: Simply tick off 5 words heard in one meeting from the
following list and shout out BINGO! It's that easy!

Proactive, not Reactive
Win-Win Situation
Think Outside the Box
Take That Offline
On the Same Page
Strategic Fit
Gap Analysis
Best Practice
The Bottom Line
Core Business
Lessons Learned
Touch Base
Game Plan
In the Loop
Out of the Loop
Go the Extra Mile
The Big Picture
Movers and Shakers
Ball Park
Fast Track
A Done Deal
Empower Employees
No Blame
Stretch the Envelope
Knowledge Base
Total Quality
Put The One to Bed
Move the Goal Posts
Peel the Onion Back

Testimonials from other players:

"I had only been in the meeting for five minutes when I yelled

"My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically."

"The facilitator was gobsmacked as we all screamed BINGO for the 3rd

"I feel that the game has enhanced the overall quality of meetings
per se on a quid pro quo basis."

"People are even listening to mumblers, thanks to Buzzword Bingo!"

This program posts news to thousands of machines throughout the entire
civilized world.  Your message will cost the net hundreds if not thousands of
dollars to send everywhere.  Please be sure you know what you are doing.
Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this? [ny]

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