Martin and all,

  Thank you for the pointer.  Interesting article indeed.  The most interesting

part was the part that is missing.  That being that the house commerce
commission is still investigating ICANN and most specifically with respect
to funding, as in a funding model.  ICANN still doesn't have one, from my
sources and that the commerce commision is now leaning in freezing
some DOC/NTIA funds until they are satisfied....  However this decision is
not due to be publicly announced around Sept. 2nd.

Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:

> ICANN Gets Financial Boost  August 20, 1999
> By Elizabeth Clampet
> Assistant Editor  Business News Archives
> The Internet Corp. for Assigned Names and Numbers is fighting a large debt
> and reportedly has called on a few big name companies to defray some of its
> costs.
> The domain name group will announce at next week's meeting in Santiago,
> Chile that it has secured enough funds, reportedly from MCI Worldcom and
> IBM, to keep from going broke, according to MSNBC. The value of the loan is
> approximately $1 million.
> ICANN has been plagued with financial troubles since its inception. The
> non-profit organization is overseen by the Department of Commerce, yet
> relies primarily on private donations. Testifying before the House Commerce
> Committee on July 22nd, Mike Roberts, ICANN's interim president and CEO,
> said that ICANN was $800,000 in debt.
> see url for full article
> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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