On 20 August 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esther Dyson) wrote:
>Second, I am more concerned that the voices and interests of individuals be
>*represented* in the work of the DNSO, than with precisely how that happens.
>Although the process is certainly messy, the concerns of individuals and
>individuals' rights are now being heard within the DNSO working groups -
>although perhaps not as effectively as they should be.  Making sure that
>that process works is where I think we should be focusing our attention
>right now. 

Esther -
  As long as there is no voting representation for individuals on the
Names Council, participation within the Working Groups is meaningless.

  Give us a seat at the table.


Mark C. Langston                                Let your voice be heard:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin                                       http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA                                         http://www.dnso.org

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