>Ken is not the only one opposed to 
>measuring consensus:
>Esther Dyson wrote:
>  http://www.ibm.com/services/newmark/mature.html
>> Indeed, I am not so sure we should welcome the opportunity for
>> electronic voting. That would make it easier for the elite to vote, and
>> further disenfranchise those who don't have access. (You could make the
>> same argument about on-line discussion, but the Net broadens the elite
>> in the first case, whereas it cuts off the bottom of the pyramid in the
>> second. These arguments are not a matter of principle but a reasonable
>> approach based on the current and near-term availability of access.)

This I just don't understand. Today on the radio (CBC) there was a
story about earthquake ravaged Turkey. They are urgently requesting
water, baby food, blankets, rakes, shovels etc. They *emailed*
these requests. 

The net routes around damage, even earthquakes and economic damage.

This program posts news to thousands of machines throughout the entire
civilized world.  Your message will cost the net hundreds if not thousands of
dollars to send everywhere.  Please be sure you know what you are doing.
Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this? [ny]

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