
The information posted here respects ICANN policies on real video
transmissions.  Were inviting individuals to contact us privately if they
should have any concerns respecting the ICANN's position on video feeds.


Jeff Mason

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033
Title: icann.edleman.19990819 / Access to ICANN Santiago real video feed
Berkman Center for Internet and Society

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:36:45 +0200
From: Ben Edelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: 

You wrote:

> That's not what I want.  I need the real server pnm URL you intend to use
> in that broadcast.


I haven't planned to allow links directly into the realmedia feeds; while I
may or may not implement technology to block such links (i.e. HTTP Referer
tracking and similar methods), I tend to strongly discourage such links --
for reasons that I think are pretty compelling:

* Just as will be the case for speakers in the room, submitters of remote
comments have to identify themselves and their organizational affiliation,
if any.  Now, it is true that merely attending the meeting is distinct from
participating in it, and perhaps visitors to your site merely want to view
the meeting and not submit questions or comments.  Indeed, mere viewers /
audience members need not necessarilly register, but I understand that
registration will be encouraged among physical attendees in Santiago, and
it's therefore also requested of online viewers.  But, if you bypassed the
registration page, those who reached the meeting through your link would
have no opportunity to sign in.  (This sign-in information will also be
useful for tracking geographic diversity and types of Internet connections
used; while the corresponding two sign-in questions are optional, they'll
gather helpful information re the people interested in this  content, and I
hesitate to lose the opportunity to gather this data.)

* Remote participation in ICANN public meetings is a "rich" experience
incorporating multiple media types.  If you linked only to the RealAudio or
RealVideo feed, those who reached the live feed through your link would miss
out on the ability to submit realtime comments, to review the notes of the
real-time scribe, to join the online chat, to see what's coming up in the
agenda, and to view PowerPoint presentations or other supporting documents
used in the meeting.  I believe that these other means of participating in
the meeting are of critical importance, so I'm not inclined to deny any
online participants at least the opportunity to use these additional
components (by bringing these options to their attention after sign-in).
But, if users accessed the Realmedia through your link, they wouldn't know
about the other opportunities available to them.

* The ICANN meetings do not take place in a vacuum.  I've been told that
it's helpful for me to remind participants in prior ICANN meetings of
upcoming events.  But if participants bypassed the registration system,
they'd not be added to that list and wouldn't receive announcements of
related events -- or of the availability of the comprehensive archive of
Santiago, for that matter.

All that said, I'm certainly open to further discussion of your request.  If
you find my reasons unpersuassive, I'd be interested to hear why, and I'd
also be interested in hearing from you why you think visitors to your site
would be better served by a link directly to the RealMedia than to the
general sign-in, FAQ, and instructions pages that have worked fine in the
past and that I believe will be most helpful to remote participants this
time too.

(FYI: I'm still on vacation, and will be in transit to Santiago all day

Ben Edelman
Berkman Center for Internet and Society
Harvard Law School


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