
  Very nice William!  >;)

William X. Walsh wrote:

> Some of you may be using my.netscape.com for your personalize start
> pages, or one of the alternative sites such as my.userland.com.
> You can now add DNSPolicy.com to your start page at netscape, and soon
> at userland, by just going to the dnspolicy.com page and clicking on
> the netscape channel icon at the top or bottom of the frontpage and
> many of the internal pages.
> http://www.dnspolicy.com/features/99/08/23/0048231.shtml has more
> details.
> If you have a website you can use various utilities to add headlines
> or other shared content from various sites, including dnspolicy.com,
> using the .rdf and .xml files, such as the ones at
> http://www.dnspolicy.com/backend/
> http://www.newsclipper.com/ is one multiplatform utility that is known
> to work well for these purposes, and they have a free source GPL
> version. There are others and I would suggest a search at
> http://freshmeat.net/ for "rdf" and "xml" or maybe even just
> "headlines" as starting points for find them.  Also there are
> resources on this at the Open Directory Project's site at
> http://www.dmoz.org/ (search for rdf/xml/my netscape type of
> keywords).
> If you have something you have written that is germaine to DNS news or
> DNS Policy and would like to see it contribute it to the DNSPolicy.com
> community, let me know.
> Also, right now I am the only one posting articles found in the news.
> While I don't mind doing this at all, and indeed search anyways for my
> own reference, one person is not likely to catch articles from the
> plethora of sources out there.  Please help keep the content fresh and
> make the site useful, both for hardened veterans of the DNS Policy
> process, as well as the newbies who are just trying to get up to
> speed, but submitting article links for inclusion, or other resources.
> The site has a new design/layout, and is slowly shaping up.
> Coming this week :
>        -Links to ccTLD registry sites, and a compilation of
>        information and policies of the various ccTLDs (Netnames used
>        to have a very informative site that had this information, but
>        didn't link to the registries themselves, but I can no longer
>        find this on their website, and think it would be a useful
>        resource)
>        -Links to the various third level registry projects and
>        information/data/policies on them.  This includes registries
>        such as eu.org, dhs.org, etc.
>        -Custom side boxes that will include headlines and links to
>        articles on various news sites pulled from their own rdf
>        backends (aiming to get this done this week, might take me a
>        week longer).
> If you can think of any other links of interest (besides a link to
> Ellen and Peter Rony's excellent book, which I will be adding
> tomorrow), or other resources of interest, let me know.
> The traffic to the site has been nice to see, and it has definitely
> grown over the last week, which tells me that this is something people
> are at least marginally interested in.  Tell me what I can do to make
> it of more interest/value to you, or in general.
> Thanks for taking the time to read this.
> --
> William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934
> Editor of http://www.dnspolicy.com/
> Support the Cyberspace Association, the
> constituency of Individual Domain Name Owners
> http://www.idno.org


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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