>Court OKs some domains with trademarked names
>     By Dan Goodin
>     Staff Writer, CNET News.com
>     August 24, 1999, 5:40 p.m. PT

The complete Opinion is posted at:

The salient text, IMHO although IANAL, is:

 All relevant evidence on the record tends to establish that both "Avery " and
 "Dennison" are commonly used as trademarks, both on and
 off of the Internet, by parties other than Avery Dennison. This
 evidence is relevant because, when "a mark is in widespread
 use, it may not be famous for the goods or services of one


        The record includes copies of five trademark registrations
        for "Avery" and "Averys," a computer printout of a list of
        several businesses with "Avery" in their names who
        market products on the Internet, and a list of business
        names including "Avery," which, according to a declaration
        submitted by NSI, is a representative sample of over 800
        such businesses.  The record also contains a computer
        printout of a list of several businesses with "Dennison" in
        their names which market products on the Internet and a
        list of business names including "Dennison," a
        representative sample of over 200 such businesses. Such
        widespread use of "Avery" and "Dennison" makes it
        unlikely that either can be considered a famous mark
        eligible for the dilution cause of action.

Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                          ____        http://www.domainhandbook.com
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