On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, William X. Walsh wrote:

> No where in my messages did I say I would not be reading or responding
> to your posts.  I simply pointed out that your messages DIRECTLY to me
> would bounce, unread.  And that your list messages would be filtered
> to a seperate lower priority folder.
> Reading comprehension might do you wonders.

Look - let's do some therapy here.  I'm going to pretend to be a big fruit
and you just be yourself.  OK - so you filtering me into your low priority
filter - OK great.  Now as a big fruit, I take my big fruit purse and hit
you with it and say "William - you big hot piece of love meat, if I'm such
low priority - why do you hit that send key so fast - now you pay
attention to your mama, you just hit that delete key or i'll get my high
heels and entertain some more".

Now I hope I did a good part here William, it's uncle Walts favourite
line, slightly amended.

Have you no idea how much amunition we've given JeffW tonight.  He's going
to have a good time with this crap william, your not.

Jeff Mason

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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