Craig --
Please deal with substantive issues,
the here and now, not ancient history.
Linguistic nit picks do not serve the
larger Internet community. Okay?
-- ken
>I think "disrupt" is a far too strong choice of words.
>disrupt: transitive verb from REAVE implying break or burst
> 1: a to break apart, rupture; b to throw into disorder
> 2: to interrupt the normal course or unity of
>My reading of events was that Postel's directive *reoriented* part of
>the system, yes (and out of displeasure with the Green Paper, maybe, but
>that's just one conjecture among many), but he did so without breaking
>the Internet.
>Is it possible to demonstrate that anyone's "traffic" was interrupted by
>the reorientation?
>I'd also like you to comment, if you would Ken, on your new attitude
>toward Esther Dyson. I recall you were once a huge fan of hers, and in
>early '98 or so you tried to get her to serve as an arbiter of the DNS
>controversy. What ever happened with that?
>There's more at
> (search for the word "hello")
>Craig Simon
>Ken Freed wrote:
>> Werner --
>> What sort of comment would you like?
>> He was in a position to impact things,
>> He could. He did. What else can I say?
>> For the historic record on it,
>> check out Tony Rutkowki's
>> website or Ellen Rony's site.
>> Links are posted at --
>> Thanks for your interes.
>> -- ken
>> >Ken,
>> >
>> >Could you comment on the following excerpt from
>> >
>> >
>> > "Jon Postel showed his displeasure with the situation by
>> > redirecting the root servers, temporarily disrupting world
>> > Internet traffic."
>> >
>> >
>> >Regards,
>> >
>> >Werner
>> >
>> >--
>> >Tel: +41 22 312 5600 Direct line: +41 22 312 5640
>> >Fax: +41 22 312 5601 2 cours de Rive CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland