ICANN is moving forward inexorably.  Whether it is moving toward 
triumph or ready to fall off the cliff remains to be seen. It has 
great trouble getting its sense of mission accurately adjutsed.  On 
June 13th IBM Vice President and GIP officer (with the assistance of 
Esther Dyson, Vint Cerf, and Mike Roberts) wrote privately to Silicon 
Valley venture capitalists soliciting funds for ICANN. Patrick: 
"ICANN is trying to get the policy, technical and financial aspects 
of the Internet moved successfully from U.S. government to the 
international private sector.  Everyone thinks this is a good idea. 
In fact, I would say that the future of the Internet is dependent on 
the execution of the plan."

Consider carefully his words.  Remember that Esther on August 29 
chidingly asked Dave Farber not to call ICANN the Internet's 
"Oversight Board" since ICANN's purpose was nothing more than dealing 
with a subset of technical coordination issues.

Since its establishment last October ICANN has waged a calculated 
campaign of deception.  But in the last two weeks since ICANN's 
regimented Santiago performance, public perception is shifting.  It 
has waged a stealth campaign designed to get Internet user's hatred 
of Network Solutions focused on and supportive of its announced 
purpose of ending the NSI monopoly over .com.  With less arrogance on 
the part of Dyson and Roberts it might have succeeded.  However as 
ICANN has said one thing and done another, people are beginning to 
catch on that its goal is to establish its own monopoly, in place of 
that of NSI.

In the September 6th issue of Business Week, Mike France wrote: "if 
Esther Dyson & Co. prove that they're able to successfully manage 
domain names, then they would be in a strong position to handle more 
urgent policy problems such as protecting intellectual property. 
While no one is asking ICANN to take on more responsibilities yet, 
the group could tackle problems more swiftly than the alternative: 
new and untested Internet regulatory agencies."

"The second reason ICANN's influence could grow is that domain names 
are starting to be viewed as a potentially powerful method of getting 
Netizens to obey the law. When people buy names for their Web sites, 
they could be required to sign a detailed contract obligating them to 
comply with a certain set of rules governing the sale of products, 
the use of someone else's intellectual property, the display of 
sexual content-you name it. If they violated the terms of the 
contract, they would forfeit the domain name. That may not sound like 
a particularly serious penalty, but on the Internet it's a death 

"While this may sound far-fetched, it appears to be the most 
efficient way of enforcing the law on the Net. Already, ICANN is 
contemplating forcing applicants for new domain names to agree to a 
set of rules blocking so-called cybersquatting-the practice of 
registering well-known corporate brand names as domain names before 
the actual owners have a chance to do so. [Editor: Blocking much more 
than just this. According to its March 99 Registrar Accreditation 
Criteria, ICANN could revoke a registrant's domain name for a wide 
variety of infractions.]"

"''After all the talk over the past few years about how difficult it 
will be to regulate conduct on the Internet,'' says David Post, a 
cyberlaw specialist at Temple University School of Law, ''the domain 
name system looks like the Holy Grail, the one place where 
enforceable Internet policy can be promulgated without any of the 
messy enforcement'' problems, France concluded."

The battle is not just about NSI anymore.  Awareness of the profound 
reach of the ambitions of Cerf, Dyson, Roberts and Patrick for ICANN 
is growing. As shown in their private June 99 fund raising 
correspondence this group is holding ICANN out as the only hope for 
the continued commercial success of the Internet while, at the same 
time, warning that the stability of the net and the fate of 
electronic commerce hang on the balance.

ICANN is taking such care not to be legally accountable to anyone 
that people are beginning to wonder why.  Under California law it 
looked as though ICANN members would have had some real authority by 
state statue to examine corporate books, and bring derivative actions 
against the corporation.  ICANN had always asserted its 
accountability to a doubting public by saying that its members would 
elect half the board.  In Santiago however they were deprived of even 
this right by the establishment of a membership council that they 
would elect.  The council would then select the board members.  Never 
mind the fact that ICANN's shadowy controllers have now decided that 
that the membership will not be activated until a unreasonably large 
total of 5,000 members can be chosen by means yet to be determined.

The reasons for ICANN's intransigence have finally become clear as we 
recount in a 4,000 word introduction to this 27,000 word part 2 of 
the November COOK Report.  If one goes back over the details of 
events since Landweber sent his October first master plan to the ISOC 
Board in 1995, ISOC has been single mindedly pursuing a campaign to 
make itself (now via ICANN) legally responsible for Internet 
technical administration.  ISOC's first move by itself in 1995 
angered the ITU, INTA and WIPO.  The later two had decided that DNS 
service presented unique problems and unique possibilities. If they 
could link trademarks to domain names, it would become much easier 
and more cost effective to enforce presence in cyberspace on terms 
favorable to the most wealthy corporations and unfavorable to 
individuals and small businessmen.  As a result ISOC invited its 
early critics, Walter Tramposch for WIPO, David Maher for INTA and 
Robert Shaw for the ITU to join it in another attempt to garner legal 
control over DNS policy and the Root servers.  This resulted in the 
IAHC and gTLD-MoU which itself was attacked in 1997 by others upon 
whose interest ISOC's emerging coalition trod.

When with the issuance of the Green Paper in 1998, it became obvious 
that the IAHC coalition had failed, ISOC, in early 1998, invited its 
critics into the fold once again. In a complete abrogation of 
responsibility on their part to ensure that an open process would 
follow, the democrats released the White Paper in June 1998.  This 
document was built on a clever ruse.  It stated that the Clinton Gore 
administration would keep its hands off the Internet by approving an 
industry led effort to develop "newco" which in October of last year 
was re-labled ICANN.  The reigns of authority however were turned 
over to the lawyer Joe Sims as a new member in the Cerf, Patrick, 
Heath partnership.  One of Sim's duties was to keep Jon Postel 
legally defended.  Sims accomplished by writing a set of bylaws that 
created an unaccountable California public benefit corporation to 
reimpose the defunct IAHC gTLD-MoU solution.  This time with the 
European Commission added to the ISOC coalition in a partnership with 
the ITU to enlarge ICANN's powers over Internet protocols and the 
assignment of IP numbers for the purposes of routing in the Internet. 
Mike Roberts had been part of the ISOC inner circle for some time. 
Esther Dyson was added now for her corporate networking abilities and 
a Board representing the ISOC, old line telco and intellectual 
property interests behind the latest ISOC coalition was announced.

ICANN, set up under the guise of forming the permanent corporation as 
quickly as possible, then began, instead, to make policy.  Its agenda 
was to cement itself in control of making policy decisions about DNS, 
IP numbers and Protocols as quickly as possible.  It hoped to be 
recognized by enough players to begin to be able to make decisions 
that, if obeyed, could acquire the force of law through practice. 
Its agenda was not to provide open and transparent coordination of 
Internet plumbing but rather to deliver a set of rules that would 
place its trademark, and old line telco supporters in the driver's 
seat where they could use the new body to place themselves firmly in 
regulatory charge of the Internet's key infrastructure.  The 
supporters were so transfixed by the enormity of the possibilities in 
front of them that the small clique which guided ICANN was also moved 
by the same arrogance that caused IAHC to crash and burn.  For nearly 
a year it has gone full speed ahead and steam-rollered over all 
opposition.  What it has finally begun to do is alienate many of its 
early supporters who now quite correctly are wondering why it should 
be needed in the first place.

ICANN has high hopes of succeeding because it is the consumate 
insider's battle, convoluted and hideously complex.  We offer this 
long article as documentary evidence of ICANN's deceptive practices 
as it dodges and feints and uses continued secrecy to push its agenda 
on behalf of its ISOC, trademark, telco and EC masters.  This is a 
battle not only for the control of telecommunications world wide but 
also for the rules on which electronic commerce will be played.  If 
Mike, Esther, Vint and John have their way, it will be decided out of 
sight and away from any citizen oversight by a small elite group of 
corporate and government bureaucrats.  The battle is likely nearing a 
turning point and one must hope that the rest of us can work through 
Congressional action to obtain justice and accountability since the 
Clinton Gore administration has abdicated any leadership

Editor's Note:   I will put it up on my web site in a couple of days. 
Someone on the ICANN side asked me why I am doing this which 
certainly will win me no friends among powerful people.  My answer is 
that it is a matter of principle: the end, does not justify any means.

The COOK Report on Internet            Index to seven years of the COOK Report
431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA
(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)           ICANN: The Internet's Oversight Board -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    What's Behind ICANN's Desire to Control
the Development of the Internet

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