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>Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:45:09 -0600
>From: Ken Freed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [IFWP] Analyzing ICANN - The committee that would be king
>Dear Werner and cohorts --
>I've received lots of emails disagreeing with your views,
>including Gabe Baptista, who was in a position to know.
>As for whether or not the Internet's traffic was "disrupted,"
>my best research says it was, temporarily, in a small way,
>but that the impact was far more political that electronic.
>Go research the DNS listserv archives for the evidence.
>So, baring documentation to the contrary, I'll stick with
>my last rewrite (a bit different than was posted here)
>But journalistic accuracy is not really your goal, is it?
>Your purpose is distracting us with side issues,
>picking apart one word out of a larger work as an
>excuse for avoiding the hard questions I've raised.
>This is a thin strategy, and we can see through it.
>Why don't you address my key ICANN recommendations
>instead? Should ICANN be abandoned? Is it right for the
>USG to privatize the Internet without any public vote? And
>should we have a moratorium on new commercial TLDs?
>Also, what about a global Internet Constitution, yea or nay?
>Please talk about the present and the future of our network.
>We will be grateful to hear your thinking on the real issues.
>Ken Freed
>Media Visions
>>It is still not correct. Jon Postel's action could not disrupt any
>>Ken Freed wrote:
>>> Perseverence furthers. How's this for historic accuracy?
>>> "Evidently exhibiting his displeasure with the situation, Jon Postel at
>>> IANA issued an electronic directive that "reoriented" the path used for
>>> copying the root zone file to the various root servers, potentially
>>> disrupting global Internet traffic. Performed in conjunctionwith root
>>> server operators, this act of civil disobedience could not be ignored. The
>>> combination of international protest and Postel's action effectively killed
>>> the Green Paper. Back to the drawing board."
>>> Now, can we get on with discussing the real issue of ICANN legitimacy and
>>> whether we allow privatization to go forward without a public vote?
>>> -- ken
>>> >Ken,
>>> >
>>> >> Below is the rewritten paragraph from
>>> >> http://www.media-visions.com/icann-gtld.htm
>>> >>
>>> >> "Evidently showing his displeasure with the situation,
>>> >> Jon Postel at IANA issued an electronic directive that
>>> >> "reoriented" or redirected routing on some root servers.
>>> >> By temporarily disrupting portions of Internet traffic, his
>>> >> statement could not be ignored. The combination of
>>> >> international protests and Postel's action effectively
>>> >> killed the Green Paper. Back to the drawing board."
>>> >
>>> >You still don't have the facts correct. Jon Postel's action did not
>>> >disrupt any Internet traffic at all. It did not and it could not.
>>> >Nor was it an action by Jon Postel alone. It was an action between
>>> >most of the root server operators and only concerned the path
>>> >in which the root zone file is copied to the various root servers.
>>> >
>>> >Regards,
>>> >
>>> >Werner
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >Tel: +41 22 312 5600 Direct line: +41 22 312 5640 http://axone.ch
>>> >Fax: +41 22 312 5601 2 cours de Rive CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
>>Tel: +41 22 312 5600 Direct line: +41 22 312 5640 http://axone.ch
>>Fax: +41 22 312 5601 2 cours de Rive CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
"So foul a sky clears not without a storm" - Shakespeare