On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Darrell Greenwood wrote:

> Oddly, you don't advance your reasons for believing the opposite.

No problem.  Here's my answer. I think if NSI ran the roots, it's
shareholders would make more money.  Why?  Well anyone running the planets
infrastructure is going to make a few more bucks.
> Ken may have different reasons, but from my point of view after
> reading emails for the last few years on these lists the answer is
> quite simple. NSI would become another alternate root system which
> nobody would point to.
> There are examples of a number of spectacularly unsuccessful attempts
> to run an alternative root system lying in the archives. NSI would
> be, and is, no different.  NSI simply become another unsuccessful
> attempt at running an alternative root system, wrecking their
> business in the process.

Well, most of the root failures can be traced to the fact most of the
people involved have a good graspe of the technical aspects, but
absolutely no understanding of the business basics.  Most of them also
have no money, so it makes getting the venture off the ground a difficult
task at best, if not altogether impossible.

I've addressed this on another conference.  As you may know, we here at
Planet Communications & Computing Facility have mapped the internets
infrastructure and as a result we know who runs it.  We have their names
and numbers.  That task for any root server confederation would be easy to

The difficulty comes in getting those people to change thier root server
files.  I am one of those dns administrators and I have yet to be offered
a viable reason why I should switch.  So one has to offer them a reason to

Just giving these people an expanded tld structure is not a selling point.
You can offer them TLD's till the cows come home and that's not going to
be much incentive because there's very little content in them.

There you go.

Joe Baptista

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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