On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Mark Jeftovic wrote:

> [lots of inane grandstanding which nobody outside of PCCF really gives a 
> flying-f about, and then cc-ed it all over the place...]

Mark, people do care.  Remember, it's all of us who finance Mr. Shaw in
the long run via our taxes.  Mr. Shaw is also an important wheel in the
ICANN/GAC DNSO game.  The last thing anyone wants is a civil servant who
practices the art of defamation and libel on our tax dollars.

Nor can the ICANN/DNSO dance be taken seriously if represented by people
of modest integrity, or lack thereof, as in the case of Mr. Shaw.

It's also of grave importance to the international civil service.  When
one of their kind looses his/her cookies, it looks bad on everyone else.
They all understand that to survive they need our consent as taxpayers.

Also, several members of the DNSO and participants in DOMAIN-POLICY wanted
to know.  How can we possible let them down.

> Why the hell all the crackerjacks are attracted to domain policy is something
> I'll never understand.

Pretend to be an extraterrestrial and look at it from a new angle - you
might get your answers there ;-)

Joe Baptista

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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