Mr. Baptista and Everyone,

  I am sure that Jeff appreciates your kind and thoughtful comment here!
And it is well deserved as well...

J. Baptista wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Frank Rizzo wrote:
> > voice is imperative to the success, growth, fairness, and love of the
> > Internet.
> I with you on this one 100%.  Love is the answer, trust is the key.
> > p.s. Go Browns! Bring back Bernie!
> .. and his little dog too.
> and god bless america, the dnso and icann too.  god bless everyone.
> But seriously - you right, bringing love back into the process is going to
> be one difficult battle.  The major problem with the whole ICANN issue is
> that no one seems to trust anyone else.  How can one possibly find love in
> an atmosphere like that.
> Networks rely on trust to function, both on the machine and human level.
> Without trust, ICANN is dead in the water.  And that is not altogether a
> good thing.
> Cheers
> Joe Baptista
> --
> Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033


Brian C. Hollingsworth
Sr. Legal Advisor, International House of Justice Internet
Communications  Affairs and Policy
Advisory council for Public Affairs and Internet Policy, European

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