Before anyone believes a word this particularly personality in the PCCF
repertoire spoots off accusing Mr Kelly of acting inappropriately, it should be
noted that the information mentioned is PUBLICLY available, and this is just
more evidence of his drivel that is intended to do nothing more than inflame
and disrupt.

the offer for a filtered feed of these lists still holds.  It would be trivial
to setup, and would leave the INEG,PCCF, LAW.COM, and RIZZO personalities to
talk only to themselves and those who support their games.

This is the harm that anonymous individuals using pen names to participate in
these lists can do when they are granted unrestricted access.

Some of you may receive this twice.  Apologies in advance.

On 21-Sep-99 J. Baptista wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Kevin M. Kelly wrote:
>> Hey Jeff!
>> Before you lay your credibility on the line, you may want to note that
>> PCCF.Net is registered to a Canadian Company.  So, PCCF et al. probably does
>> not pay Mary Wiening's salary.
> Mr. Kelly:
> Thank you so much for our privacy.  May I point out to you that you are
> privilaged, by means of your position to have copies of of legal documents
> of organization.  I did not provide you this documentation so that you
> could disclose it to people who have no business with that information.
> And to do so in public.
> I am bringing this to the attention of the GA, and the IFWP as I beleive
> this reflect badly on the idno's rights to seek position.  How dare you
> sir violate my privacy.
> As for your assumption of our tax position based on jurisdiction, may I
> advise you that your out too lunch.  only 25% of our operation are in
> Canada.
> I'm really pissed off with you Kelly.  Your a real twit.  When it comes to
> privacy, to you people it's a cheep pissing contest.  Do you really care
> about the idno, or is it a place to pick up information on the
> competition.
> Joop, this is your baby.  I smell problems here with existing management.
> Cheers
> Joe Baptista
> --
> Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext.
> 1033

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934
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