On September 25, 1999, a message from John Patrick of IBM was posted on
several of the the DNS-related mailing lists that I inhabit.

It is certainly important for those of us monitoring ICANN's activities to
hear the reasons behind IBM's involvement and bridge grant to ICANN.
Nonetheless, as one who has closely monitored and archived  ICANN's
development and the evolution of the administration of the DNS for 3.5
years, I take great exception to the assertions that Mr. Patrick's message

No dispute that it's hard to see what aspect of social, educational,
political and commercial life won't be affected by the Internet.  So what
makes the Internet work and who is responsible to ensure it will continue
working in the future as the growth continues?  Mr. Patrick says that's the
role that ICANN was designed to play.

ICANN, originally the more generic Newco, was a concept to fill the
specific role of coordinating technical administration.  Every policy,
every bylaws amendment, every resolution and meeting should be measured
against whether ICANN is fulfilling that very specific role.  I claim that
the ICANN board has gone far beyond its original mandate, and that is a
scary and dangerous concern.

No one denies that the Internet is a global entity and that no one country
should be on the hot seat as its ultimate authority. Mr. Patrick asserts
that a central, global, non-profit private sector third party  should
oversee the administration of Internet domain names.  Instead of an
accountable contractor, IANA, we now have an unaccountable non profit
corporation, led by a board handpicked by a handful of insiders through a
secret process. That cure is worse than the ill it was established to

ICANN has made many egregious errors, and the reason it has not yet
imploded is because people claim there is no alternative, no structure that
would receive global approval.  So technical coordination has
transmogrified into international political power-mongering.  What an

The U.S. government, or, specifically, the Clinton Administration,
presented its fateful Presidential Directive on Electronic Commerce on July
1, 1997, which put this whole redirection of Internet administration into
play.  Why didn't it look to see what other models might be drawn from the
cross border activities of nations and their citizens.  For example, the
airline industry is privatized, but the Federal Aviation Administration
still keeps U.S. standards on track.  Its funding comes, indirectly, from
U.S. taxpayers, not from international corporations who are major
stakeholders in the policies that will ensue from ICANN.  I hold the belief
that there are no free lunches and that a loan or grant gives the funding
party an implied quid pro quo advantage.

ICANN is, indeed, mandated to address a narrow, well-defined list of tasks
that define the administration of the Internet:
>Coordinating the assignment of the top level of the domain name system;
>overseeing the root name server system; coordinating the assignment of
>parameters for technical standards; and overseeing the assignment of IP

However, it has quickly moved beyond these technical parameters into
onerous policy directives  for individual domain name registrants.  If the
Unform Dispute Resolution Policy is accepted as proposed, registrants will
have to assert knowledge about third party usage of names that we cannot
possibly possess.  We will have to sign a contract with accredited
registrars that gives them the sole discretion to  delete or change our use
of a domain name.  Further, the policy asserts a process to acknowledge and
protect rights, but what rights?.  Reduction of piracy, copyright and
trademark infringement are not components of technical coordination.  A
legal system exists and has been developed through generations of
precedence.  It will survive the complexities of this borderless medium,
just as it survived the introduction of other communication-enabling

The only "achievement" ICANN can point to is the introduction of
competition into domain name registrations, although NSI agreed to support
that objective long before ICANN was incorporated (see testimony of Gabriel
Baptista, CEO of NSI before the Basic Research Committee of the U.S. House
of Representatives, Science Committee, September 25, 1997 at
http://www.house.gov/science/battista_9-25.html ) So much money, so much
discussion to allow 76 companies to be resellers for .COM, NET and ORG
domain names for Network Solutions!

The ICANN bootstrapping process will not allow individual users to directly
elect their own board representatives.  Along the way, the bylaws have been
reiterated five times, with another change in the works.  The structure
that ICANN has developed is so labyrinthine and convoluted that one needs a
road map to find the way through the maze, to know who is allowed to
propose an initiave or vote on recommendations.  Take a look at
http://www.wia.org/icann/after_icann-gac.htm to see the complicated
structure that "ICANN lite" has become

Mr. Patrick claims that if ICANN were to fail, the likely result would be
governmental agencies "subject, as always, to political influences -taking
over the management of the Internet".  He suggests that the stability of
the Internet depends upon ICANN's success and encourages us to move forward
with the transition rapidly rather than arguing about the process.  Esther
Dyson, ICANN's chair, shares this Machiavellian approach.  During a public
meeting of the ICANN board on August 25, she said, "we are less interested
in complaints about process" and more interested in "doing real work and
moving forward."

In the eyes of John Patrick and Esther Dyson, the end justifies the means,
and those means, be absolutely sure, are politically and commercially
self-motivated. This does not bode well for the people around the world
relying on the Internet for "education, disease management, entertainment,
real-time communications and collaboration, and even government services,
to name just a few uses."

If the devil is in the details, read carefully the registrar Accreditation
Guidelines <http://www.icann.org/ra-agreement-051299.html> and the new
Draft Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy that will be posted in the next day
or two.  The Statement of Registrar Accreditation Policy, adopted by ICANN
on March 4, 1999, invokes this provision upon the domain name registrants:

             J.7.i. The SLD holder shall agree that its registration of
                    the SLD name shall be subject to suspension,
                    cancellation, or transfer by any ICANN procedure, or by
                    any registrar or registry administrator procedure
                    approved by ICANN, (1) to correct mistakes by the
                    registrar or the registry administrator in registering
                    the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes
                    concerning the SLD name.

And combine that with the more onerous provisions in the proposed Uniform
Dispute Resolution Policy"

                3.d.    We may also cancel, transfer or otherwise make
                        to a domain name registration in accordance with the
                        terms of your Registration Agreement
                        or other legal requirements.

In other words, ICANN's accreditation includes carte-blance control over
the domain name registration of all .COM, .NET and .ORG names.  The devil
that we don't know, ICANN, is far worse than the one we did (IANA, under
NSF oversight), which focused on the zone delegation to assure a workable
scheme for domain name resolution.

I don't believe the claim that the Internet will break if ICANN doesn't
succeed and assert control over trademark disputes and registrar
accreditations. Underneath the Patrick PR pro-ICANN/GIP puffery send-up is

Now there''s a sodden thought, certain to inspire confidence in ICANN's
"technical administration" of the Internet.

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                      ^..^     )6     http://www.domainhandbook.com
+1 (415) 435-5010              (oo) -^--                     ISBN 0879305150
Tiburon, CA                        W   W               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           DOT COM is the Pig Latin of the Information Age

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