If any of you are planning to be in LA for ICANN's next annual meeting,
we would welcome your participation in a Berkman Center - EFF workshop
titled "ICANN: Issues Ahead" on Sunday, October 31 from 9 - 5.  It will
be held at the Sheraton Gateway, the same venue for ICANN.

We will present a walk-through of the new Uniform Dispute Resolution
Policy and also discuss issues relating to consensus, transparency, and
TLD competition with specialists in fields relating to these activities.
The agenda (which is subject to revision as we get further commitments
from panelists) is posted at
http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/workshops/la/.  There is a
registration sign up via the ICANN-LA Preregistration Form at
<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/la/preregistration.  For those of
you who cannot attend, Berkman will webcast the event and offer remote
participation in real time.  Archival copies of the proceedings will be
posted on our web site afterward.

Diane Cabell
Berkman Fellow
Harvard Law School

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