"J. Baptista" wrote:

> On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Dan Birchall wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 09, 1999 at 11:14:54PM -0400, J. Baptista wrote:
> > >
> > > I has come to my attention that Becky Burr of the Department of Commerce
> > > has frozen the root and even NSI isn't allowed to add new namesevres for
> > > com.
> >
> > I'm a little unclear on whether Joe means nobody can add new _root_
> > nameservers for .com, or nobody can add new nameservers (ie FOO-HST)
> > _within_ .com.  Of course, either way it doesn't necessarily sound
> > like a splendid situation.
> I just called Burr up and left her some voice mail.  Called her boss
> Irving too.  I'm very curious - if this in fact has happened, what was the
> cause and reasons behind it.
> Cheers
> Joe Baptista
> --
> Planet Communication & Computing Facility           1.212.894.3704 ext 1033
> Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1.419.821.8581 fax
> Centro Planetario de Communicaciones y Computacion  1.888.830.5744 ext 3223

I tried to register VIRGOSDEMONJA>COM and IT told me the server was down; there
you go!


Sr. F. Fanego, Director
Centro Planetario de Communicacion y Computacion       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planet Communications & Computing Facility             (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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