On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, A.M. Rutkowski wrote:

> In a hard-hitting interview with
> Communications Week International, Yoshio Utsumi
> has warned that a failure to adapt to the
> modern communications environment could mean
> that the ITU will disappear.

If I remember correctly, Tony Rutkowski during his tenur with the ITU
advised them that if they failed to get involved, then the ITU would in
fact disappear.  This happened some years ago.  They didn't take his
advice then, and now I think it a bit late to back peddle for the ITU.

Joe Baptista

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           212.894.3704 x1033
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           419.821.8581 fax
Centro Planetario de Communicaciones y Computacion  888.830.5744 x3223

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