Alejandro Pisanty wrote:
> Fuimos sometidos a un duro examen, algunas de las entrevistas telefonicas
> para averiguar nuestras posiciones fueron extenuantes (tambien las que
> ocurrieron por email)

    [Translation: "We were put to a difficult test. Some of the
telephone interviews to ascertain our positions were extensive (as
well as those by email)"]

Que quiere decir exactamente, Sr. Pisanty, con 'averiguar nuestras
posiciones'? Quien ha averiguado sus posiciones, como examen para
ser miembro del Board?

    [Translation: "What do you mean exactly, Mr. Pisanty, by
'ascertain our positions'? Who inquired about your positions, as a
test for becoming a member of the Board"?

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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