At 02:00 AM 10/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
>> Since when were any of these folks ever involved in
>> anything related to domain names?
>> These are truly remarkable times.
>Aren't they? Those who are most involved - the holders of domain
>names - are permitted no participation or representation whatsoever,
>while those who don't own domain names, and who most likely don't
>even know what they are, are nominated for the Board of Directors of
>the International Internet Regulatory Authority.

"I don't think we should hand out domains with generic names,
I mean some guy has and that's just not right."

  - Jon Cohen, 

At the Industry Canada Domain and Trademark Workshop, Ottawa 1997

"I see you've got yout fist out. Say your peace and get out. Guess
I get the gist of it, but... it's alright. Sorry that you feel that
way. The only thing there is to say is to say: ever silver lining
has a touch of grey" - JG.

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