On November 3 during the ICANN Public Forum, Jim Bramson of AOL presented a
document listing seven concerns about the DOC/ICANN/NSI agreement expressed
by a number of accredited registrars.  (I heard 17 of 18 attending
registrars attending their meeting subscribed to these concerns).  NSI has
been working during the day and eveningto make modifications to address
these concerns.

The text (with issues and proposals) submitted to the ICANN board by
Bramson yesterday is posted at:


There was also a draft of a Registrar Service Level Agreement (SLA) which
has been edited but is not included with the document above.

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                      ^..^     )6     http://www.domainhandbook.com
+1 (415) 435-5010              (oo) -^--                     ISBN 0879305150
Tiburon, CA                        W   W               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           DOT COM is the Pig Latin of the Information Age

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