
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208


  For those of you not overly familiar with The "Crispy Crockett", i.e.
Kent Crispin, this statement that he is making is of course false, and
the evidence is available in the IFWP list archives as well as in the
DNSO GA list archives as well.

  Joe was attempting to draw attention to the FACT that there is some
concerted effort to SELECTIVELY CENSOR the DNSO GA list.  He
posted as Elisabeth, and know one else.

  Such missives from Kent Crispin are legendary over the past few
years on various mailing list and he has been called on them many
times.  I am doing so again here for the purpose of clarity.

Kent Crispin wrote:

> I thought some of you who witnessed the spill over of Baptista's little escapade on
> the GA list would find this message of interest.  It appears Baptista did a little
> Denial of Service attack on the dnso servers and attempted to do it while
> masquerading as each and every member of that list.
> Quite mature, wouldn't you say?
> -----FW: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-----
> Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 06:44:44 -0800
> From: Kent Crispin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ga] Will we chase rabbits or ideas?
> On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 11:19:57PM -0600, Weisberg wrote:
> > Kent Crispin wrote:
> >
> >      > What many knee-jerk fanatic free speech advocates forget
> >
> > This comment illustrates the problem with civility rules.  We all
> > have different levels of sensitivity and different styles of
> > communication.  Some people will complain that such sarcasm is
> > offensive, inappropriate and requires sanction.  Who wants to spend
> > their(our) time discussing whether particular
> > comments are out of order?  Isn't that where we are going?
> No.  That is *not* what we are doing.  We are *not* discussing
> whether particular individual comments are out of order.  We are
> discussing flagrant abuses.  We are discussing mailbomb attacks,
> deliberate and repeated attempts to "disturb the peace", and long
> established patterns of behavior.  We are discussing behaviors that,
> in physical analogy, no physical forum on earth would -- or could --
> tolerate on a continuing basis.
> Incidentally, it occurs to me that you, and some others, may simply
> not be aware of what happened -- "Joe Baptista" sent spoofed mail
> messages from *every single email address on the list* -- 260
> addresses.  The list software tried to send every one of those
> messages to every member of the list -- that's 260*260 = 67,600
> messages.  The messages, including headers, were about a kilobyte
> each -- 67 megabytes of garbage email.
> In other words, there was in fact a deliberate attack, criminal in
> some jurisdictions, on the list.  Elisabeth caught the attack, and
> shut down the list, so most people didn't see it.
> We are not just talking about "civil discourse", or what is or is not
> out of order.
> >
> >
> >
> >        > noise can cause actual damage.  I can't put a
> >      megaphone to your ear
> >        > and shout, blowing out your eardrum, and claim that it
> >      is my free
> >        > speech right.
> >
> >
> > No.  That is an "assault" if not a "battery," crimes in all
> > jurisdictions.  But, in the U.S.,  there is a presumption that any
> > limitation on speech is improper.
> In certain contexts, that is true.  But as a general statement it is
> completely false.
> > Only the minimum regulation
> > necessary to accomplish a clearly identified and proper objective is
> > allowed, especially in political contexts.
> You are confusing "Congress shall make no law" with "there shall be
> no regulation of any kind in any context whatsoever by anybody".
> This is a common confusion.
> Even in governmental circles "freedom of speech" is strictly
> constrained by rules of order -- if you speak out of turn or exceed
> your time speaking in Congress, the Sergant at Arms will throw you
> out.  There are generic and informal "rules of order" for mailing
> lists; it would be nice if they were formalized, but in the meantime
> we can go with the informal ones.
> Morever, this list is not in the US.  It is run in France.
> [...]
> >        >...Breaking rules of etiquette that causes others to
> >      leave the
> >        >discussion is an abuse of THEIR free speech rights.
> >
> > Perhaps.  But, the perameters tend to be subjective and hard to
> > apply in most cases.  On balance, I prefer filtering.
> Yes, as you said, it works for you.  But it doesn't work for
> everyone.  It certainly doesn't work if the messages are spoofed.
> --
> Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
> --------------End of forwarded message-------------------------
> --
> William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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