It seems that Dennis wrote in spanish something... but I dont
know what is the theme... maybe his message didnt arrive to
me... anyway "si estimado Dennis... esta lucha o gesta de
formacion vale mucho y por eso no debemos desmayar
en el esfuerzo.  Un abrazo.  Javier "

(sorry for the non spanish speaking people... anyway Spanish
is the second most spoken language in the internet... I
wonder Chinese is not the second one... well what Chinese ?
Mandarin I think... this seems that there is TOO MANY
things to get "Internet for everyone", a long task.  Lets work!)


At 11/24/99 10:49:00 PM, you wrote:
>>Thank you, Jeff.
>>Y quisiera que Javier me contestaria tambien, con
>>iqual franqueza --- sabiendo que tu, tejano, (como mi
>>amigo difunto)--   tambien gozaba del don  de la herencia hispana
>>que le permitia reconocer  que esta vida vale mas que
>>el dinero que se gane, o  el poder que se acumule.
>>>Dennis (with best holiday wishes to all!)
>     ** The US has the best government money can buy **
Javier Rodriguez                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AXISNET                                    VicePresident
Peruvian Association of Internet Users and ISPs
Other duties: ECOMLAC      ISOC -PERU      IPCE

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