I have had a number of requests to make the command line whois server at
pccf available via the web.

Here it is:     http://dns.pccf.net/whois/

help and info functions are not yet available.  But to br brief.  You can
search for any top level domain name, if it does not find the whois
record, it will check the dns.

The server also has whois data on all cctld's and ORSC gtld's.  To find a
tld just type tld.whois - where tld is the top level domain.  legacy tld's
are not yet supported in the dot.whois top level domain.  I'll incorporate
them soon.

Have fun

J. Baptista                     Planet Communications & Computing Facility
                                Voice/Fax (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033      

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